Studies associated with ontology term
VT:0010454   'organism trait'
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Data set Procedure What's in this data set Panel Sex Age (weeks) Year
Ackerman1 study archive
with methacholine
Lung, respiratory function, baseline and methacholine-challenged (several doses). QTL population f 7-8wks 2005
Ackert1 body size and weight Body weight, body length, body mass index. Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 20mo. inbred   (32) both 26, 52, 87 wks 2008
Ackert1 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, body area, bone area. Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 20mo. inbred   (32) both 26, 52, 87 wks 2008
Albers1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, phospholipids. 4h fast, plasma. Baseline vs. high-fat diet (6wks). inbred   (15) both 6-14wks 1999
Albers1 protein activity assessment
with high-fat diet
Phospholipid transfer protein activity. 4h fast. inbred   (15) both 6-14wks 1999
Ankra-Badu1 study archive Body, organ, fat pad weights, weight gain, litter size. QTL population both 2-10wks 2009
Attie2 body weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Weekly. DO population both 4-26wks 2018
Attie2 intake monitoring
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Food intake. Weekly. DO population both 4-26wks 2018
Attie2 metabolic panel
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Glucose, HOMA-IR, HOMA-B. DO population both 4-26wks 2018
Attie2 hormone quantification
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Plasma insulin, adiponectin, leptin. Ex vivo insulin secretion. DO population both 4-26wks 2018
Attie2 lipid profile
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Triglyceride. DO population both 4-26wks 2018
Attie2 glucose tolerance
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Area under curve. DO population both 4-26wks 2018
Attie2 biomarker quantification
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Bile acids in feces. DO population both 4-26wks 2018
Auwerx1 body weight
with high-fat diet
8-29 wks of age. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 NMR
with high-fat diet
Body composition. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 intake monitoring
with high-fat diet
Food intake. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 monitoring system
with high-fat diet
Oxygen consumption and respiratory exchange ratio (RER); activity. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 glucose tolerance
with high-fat diet
Glucose post oral gavage: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min plus area under curve. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 hormone quantification
with high-fat diet
Glucose post oral gavage: 0, 15, 30 min plus area under curve. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 body temperature
with high-fat diet
In cold room: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 h. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 treadmill endurance test
with high-fat diet
Distance traveled. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 running wheel monitoring
with high-fat diet
Distance traveled, speed. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 metabolic panel
with high-fat diet
Enzymes, bile acid, proteins, creatinine, glucose, iron, lactate. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, free fatty acids, triglyceride. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx1 cell signaling molecule detection
with high-fat diet
INF-gamma, interleukins, monocyte chemoattractant, macrophage inflammatory protein, T cell RANTES, TNF-alpha. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx2 body weight
with high-fat diet
inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Auwerx2 monitoring system
with high-fat diet
Oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, respiratory exchange rate (RER); activity. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Auwerx2 glucose tolerance
with high-fat diet
Plasma glucose levels: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min, post oral gavage following overnight fast. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Auwerx2 hormone quantification
with high-fat diet
Insulin levels following glucose post oral gavage: 0, 15, 30 min. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Auwerx2 intake monitoring
with high-fat diet
Food intake. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Auwerx2 treadmill endurance test
with high-fat diet
Distance traveled. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Auwerx2 metabolic panel
with high-fat diet
Enzymes, creatinine, iron, lactate, urea. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Auwerx2 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Bachmanov1 intake monitoring Water intake. Daily. inbred   (13) m 7-8wks 2011
Bachmanov1 bottle choice test Sodium chloride solution taste threshold. Fluid intake. inbred   (13) m 7-8wks 2011
Bachmanov1 body weight Body weight inbred   (13) m 7-8wks 2011
Bailey1 study archive Open field test. Locomotor activity, anxiety-related behavior. QTL population both 8wks 2008
Bautz1 study archive Plasma lipids. Cholesterol, triglycerides. QTL population both 12-14wks 2013
Beamer2 study archive Bone morphology and strength, insulin-like growth factor 1. QTL population f 16wks 2001
Bennett1 body weight Body weight and growth curve from 4wks to 26wks weighed monthly. ILSXISS   (97) f 6wks 2005
Bennett3 alcohol quantification
with ethanol
Blood alcohol concentrations after ethanol injection over time, acute functional ethanol tolerance. ILSXISS w/par   (74) both 8-14wks 2007
Bennett4 body weight Body weight both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 MRI Body composition (lean, fat, water). both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 metabolic panel Plasma enzymes, creatinine, glucose, urea, metabolic health score. both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 lipid profile Cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids, triglyceride. both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 biomarker quantification TMAO, choline, phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine, betaine, carnitine. both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 hormone quantification Insulin, glucose:insulin ratio. both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 monitoring system O2 consumption, CO2 production, RER, heat expenditure, activity. both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 intake monitoring Food intake; energy intake; protein, carbohydrate, fat intake. both 8-20wks 2021
Berndt1 ventilator
with methacholine
Airway resistance. Baseline vs. methacholine-challenged (several doses). inbred   (37) both 9-12wks 2010
Berndt2 plethysmography
with methacholine
Lung, respiratory function. Baseline vs. methacholine-challenged (several doses). inbred   (29) both 9-12wks 2010
Berndt2 ventilator
with methacholine
Lung, respiratory function. Anesthetized forced oscillation. Baseline vs. methacholine-challenged (several doses). inbred   (29) both 9-12wks 2010
Berndt3 metabolite quantification Vitamin D concentration (serum). inbred   (18) m 11wks 2011
Bodnar1 intake monitoring
with sucrose
Food, caloric, water intake. Baseline and with sucrose (several concentrations). 24h test. inbred   (12) m 13-17wks 2006
Bolivar1 open field test Locomotor activity and exploratory behavior. 5 min test in dark. inbred   (10) both 8-14wks 2000
Bolivar2 fear conditioning test Contextual fear, cued fear. inbred   (8) both 9-20wks 2001
Bolivar3 monitoring system Social interaction (study 1 and study 2). inbred   (7) m 8-12wks 2007
Bolivar4 open field test Locomotor activity, exploratory behavior, habituation scores. 15 min test. inbred   (14) m 8-12wks 2009
Boon1 body weight
with influenza A (H5N1) virus
Influenza A (H5N1) virus (several doses) vs. baseline. inbred   (23) f 6-9wks 2011
Bopp1 health assessment
with Plasmodium berghei
Susceptibility, Plasmodium berghei (malaria). Parasitemia in blood and distribution in brain, spleen, lungs, liver. inbred   (31) both 8-12wks 2010
Brich1 study archive Protein tau hyperphosphorylation. QTL population f 3wks 2003
Brinkmeyer1 body weight
with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
Body weight CC   (5) both 4wks 2017
Brinkmeyer1 open field test
with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
Locomotor activity, TMEV infection. CC   (5) both 4wks 2017
Brinkmeyer1 gait analysis
with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
DigiGait analysis and footprint analysis, TMEV infection. CC   (5) both 4wks 2017
Brinkmeyer1 rotarod
with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
Latency to fall from accelerating rotarod, TMEV infection. CC   (5) both 4wks 2017
Brockmann1 study archive Body, organ weights, litter size, abdominal fat, lipids, insulin, leptin. QTL population both 3-6wks 2009
Brown1 elevated plus maze Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. inbred   (14) both 10wks 2004
Brown1 elevated zero maze Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. inbred   (14) both 10wks 2004
Brown1 light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. inbred   (14) both 10wks 2004
Brown1 open field test Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. inbred   (14) both 10wks 2004
Brown2 Barnes circular maze Spatial learning and memory. inbred   (14) both 10-18wks 2004
Brown2 Morris water maze Spatial learning and memory. inbred   (14) both 10-18wks 2004
Brown2 rotarod Latency to fall from accelerating rotarod. 7 day trials. inbred   (14) both 10-18wks 2004
Brown2 visual water box Spatial learning and memory. inbred   (14) both 10-18wks 2004
Brown2 olfactory discrimination task Olfactory-related learning and memory. inbred   (14) both 10-18wks 2004
Brugnara1 complete blood count Hematology. inbred   (10) both 8wks 2013
Brugnara1 ion transport assessment Hematology red cell ion content, ion transport. inbred   (10) both 8wks 2013
Bubier3 monitoring system
with morphine
Induced respiratory depression, time to recovery (for mice that survived), survival data (for mice that did not survive). inbred w/CC8   (8) both 8-24wks 2020
Burke1 study archive Femur and vertebra morphology and strength. Monthly body weight 3 - 13 months. QTL population f 14-56wks 2012
CGDpheno1 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). 4h fast. inbred w/CC8   (72) both 10-13wks 2009
CGDpheno1 complete blood count Hematology. inbred w/CC8   (72) both 10-13wks 2009
CGDpheno1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. inbred w/CC8   (72) both 10-13wks 2009
CGDpheno1 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density. inbred w/CC8   (72) both 10-13wks 2009
CGDpheno1 body size and weight Body weight and length. inbred w/CC8   (72) both 10-13wks 2009
CGDpheno3 metabolic panel Glucose (plasma). 4h fast. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 8-16wks 2012
CGDpheno3 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 8-16wks 2012
CGDpheno3 complete blood count Hematology. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 8-16wks 2012
CGDpheno3 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 8-16wks 2012
CGDpheno3 body weight Body weight CC diallel w/par   (62) both 8-16wks 2012
Chesler2 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry. 16h fast. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler2 complete blood count Hematology. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler2 open field test Locomotor activity, exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler2 light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 10 min test. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler2 behavior observation Wildness scoring. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler2 monitoring system Sleep patterns. Dark period, total, peak activity. Baseline and after sleep deprivation. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler2 body size and weight Body weight, body length, tail length. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry. 16h fast. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 complete blood count Hematology. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 open field test Locomotor activity, exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 10 min test. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 behavior observation Wildness scoring. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 monitoring system Sleep patterns. Dark period, total, peak activity. Baseline and after sleep deprivation. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 body size and weight Body weight, tail length. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler4 open field test Locomotor activity, exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 20 min test. DO population w/par   (9) both 12-16wks 2013
Chesler4 visual cliff Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 20 min test. DO population w/par   (9) both 12-16wks 2013
Chesler4 light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 20 min test. DO population w/par   (9) both 12-16wks 2013
Chesler4 tail suspension test Frequency climbing, time immobile, latency immobile. 5 min test. DO population w/par   (9) both 12-16wks 2013
Chesler4 body weight Body weight DO population w/par   (9) both 12-16wks 2013
Chesler6 study archive
with ethanol
Sensitivity to ethanol. Baseline and ethanol. QTL population both 9-34wks 2012
Cheverud1 body weight
with high-fat diet
Body weight and growth curve from age 1wk to 22wks (pre-wean, post-wean, adult). High-fat diet (17wks) vs. control. LGXSM w/par   (19) both 12-16wks 2004
Cheverud1 glucose tolerance
with high-fat diet
High-fat diet (17wks) vs. control. 0 to 120 min after 10% glucose i.p. 4h fast. LGXSM w/par   (19) both 12-16wks 2004
Cheverud1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids. High-fat diet (17wks) vs. control. 4h fast, serum. LGXSM w/par   (19) both 12-16wks 2004
Cheverud1 hormone quantification
with high-fat diet
Insulin, leptin. LGXSM w/par   (19) both 12-16wks 2004
Churchill1 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. F1 8way   (63) both 7-8wks 2004
Collins1 complete blood count Hematology. CC pre w/par   (139) m 10-14wks 2012
Cowell1 hormone quantification
with Staphylococcus aureus
Interleukin 6 levels (serum) after infection with Staphylococcus aureus. Kidney and peritoneal fluid. inbred   (13) f 8wks 2012
Crabbe1 balance beam
with ethanol
Ethanol i.p. (several doses) vs. control (saline). Missteps count. 3 beam lengths. inbred   (8) both 8wks 2003
Crabbe1 grid test
with ethanol
Ethanol injection (several doses) vs. control (saline). Grid habituation, missteps rate. inbred   (8) both 8wks 2003
Crabbe1 body weight
with ethanol
Body weight inbred   (8) both 8wks 2003
Crabbe2 rotarod
with diazepam
Latency to fall from 5 rpm rotarod immediately after diazepam injection. inbred   (15) both 6-7wks 1998
Crabbe2 drug and metabolite quantification
with diazepam
Diazepam (and metabolite) concentration in brain tissue immediately after diazepam injection and rotarod. inbred   (15) both 6-7wks 1998
Crabbe2 monitoring system
with diazepam
Locomotor activity. Baseline vs. immediately after Diazepam injection (several doses). 15 min test. inbred   (15) both 6-7wks 1998
Crabbe2 body temperature
with diazepam
Baseline vs. 30 min after diazepam injection (several doses). inbred   (15) both 6-7wks 1998
Crabbe3 rotarod
with ethanol
Baseline and ethanol i.p. 3 fixed speeds (several doses) and accelerating. inbred   (22) both 9-17wks 2003
Crabbe4 dowel balance test
with ethanol
Latency to fall 0 min and 30 min post-injection, 2 widths. Ethanol 2 g/kg. inbred   (21) both 9-17wks 2003
Crabbe4 vertical wire mesh
with ethanol
Latency to fall 30 min post-injection. Ethanol 2 g/kg i.p. inbred   (21) both 9-17wks 2003
Crabbe4 grip strength
with ethanol
Baseline vs. 30 min after ethanol 2 g/kg i.p. inbred   (21) both 9-17wks 2003
Crabbe4 alcohol quantification
with ethanol
Blood alcohol concentration after ethanol 2 g/kg i.p., several timepoints. inbred   (21) both 9-17wks 2003
Crabbe5 parallel rod floor test
with ethanol
Parallel rod balance test, baseline vs. ethanol 2 g/kg i.p.. inbred   (8) both 7-14wks 2005
Crowley1 body weight
with haloperidol
Baseline vs. after haloperidol 60d implant. inbred w/CC8   (27) m 9-28wks 2012
Crowley1 drug and metabolite quantification
with haloperidol
Haloperidol concentration (plasma). Baseline vs. during and after haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). inbred w/CC8   (27) m 9-28wks 2012
Crowley1 inclined screen test
with haloperidol
Baseline vs. during and after haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). inbred w/CC8   (27) m 9-28wks 2012
Crowley1 open field test
with haloperidol
Locomotor activity, exploratory behavior, involuntary movement. Baseline vs. haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). 60 min test. inbred w/CC8   (27) m 9-28wks 2012
Crowley1 behavior observation
with haloperidol
Observed involuntary repetitive movement. Baseline vs. during and after haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). inbred w/CC8   (27) m 9-28wks 2012
Crusio1 body weight Body weight BXD w/par   (55) both 10-16wks 2018
Crusio1 open field test Locomotor activity and exploratory behavior. 20 min test. BXD w/par   (55) both 10-16wks 2018
Crusio1 radial maze Spatial learning. BXD w/par   (55) both 10-16wks 2018
Crusio1 behavior observation Inter-male agression. BXD w/par   (55) both 10-16wks 2018
CSNA02 open field test Locomotor response to novelty, habituation. CC w/par   (18) both 10-39wks 2023
CSNA02 bottle choice test Palatable food consumption, preference for Boost solution. CC w/par   (18) both 10-39wks 2023
CSNA02 operant conditioning chamber Reversal learning (impulsive action) and delay discounting (impulsive choice). CC w/par   (18) both 10-39wks 2023
CSNA03 open field test
with cocaine
Distance traveled, habituation ratio, number of rears, ambulatory time, time in perimeter, corners, and center; cocaine sensitization. CC w/CC8   (61) both 4-25wks 2021
CSNA03 light-dark box Distance traveled, ambulatory time and counts, resting time, stereotypic time and counts, jumping time and counts, vertical time and counts, time in light/dark. CC w/CC8   (61) both 4-25wks 2021
CSNA03 hole board test Number of entries, novel entries, and repeat entries. CC w/CC8   (61) both 4-25wks 2021
CSNA03 conditioned place preference test In novel zone: exploration counts, entrance counts, time spent, activity counts, movement counts. CC w/CC8   (61) both 4-25wks 2021
CSNA03 operant conditioning chamber
with cocaine
Number of infusions, active lever presses, inactive lever presses, intravenous self administration, reversal learning. CC w/CC8   (61) both 4-25wks 2021
CSNA03 in vitro assay Circadian parameters in fibroblast cultures: period, amplitude, phase, damping rate, goodness of fit. CC w/CC8   (61) both 4-25wks 2021
Deschepper1 body weight Body weight inbred   (13) both 10wks 2004
Dickson1 operant conditioning chamber Sign tracking and goal tracking paradigm with Pavlovian conditioned approach. inbred   (5) both 12-20wks 2015
Dickson2 open field test
with cocaine
Locomotor activity and exploratory behavior. 20 min test. DO population both 12-16wks 2015
Dickson2 hole board test
with cocaine
Exploratory behavior. 10 min test. DO population both 12-16wks 2015
Dickson2 monitoring system
with cocaine
Novelty preference test (preference for novel side vs. familiar side). 10 min test. DO population both 12-16wks 2015
Dickson2 operant conditioning chamber
with cocaine
Intravenous self-administration of cocaine via activation of levers. DO population both 12-16wks 2015
DiCurzio1 body weight Body weight BXD w/par   (66) both 10wks 2010
DiPetrillo1 urinalysis Microalbumin, creatinine, ratio. inbred w/CC7   (34) m 10wks 2012
DiPetrillo2 urinalysis Microalbumin, creatinine, ratio. CC pre w/par   (163) m 10wks 2012
Donahue1 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, craniofacial dimensions. inbred w/CC7   (30) both 15-16wks 2002
Donahue1 metabolic panel Thyroxine (serum). inbred w/CC7   (30) both 15-16wks 2002
Donahue1 hormone quantification Osteocalcin, insulin-like growth factor 1. inbred w/CC7   (30) both 15-16wks 2002
Donahue16 DXA Body mass, fat mass, bone mineral density. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 24-29wks 2012
Donahue18 body weight Pup body weight at day 3. inbred   (15) f 6-8wks 2010
Donahue19 body weight Pup body weight at day 3. B6.A consomic w/par   (22) f 6-8wks 2010
Donahue2 body weight Body weight inbred   (10) both 16wks 2004
Donahue3 open field test Locomotor activity, anxiety-related behavior, involuntary movement. 10 min test. B6.A consomic w/par   (22) both 6-7wks 2011
Donahue3 hole board test Exploratory behavior. 10 min test. B6.A consomic w/par   (22) both 6-7wks 2011
Donahue4 open field test Locomotor activity, anxiety-related behavior, involuntary repetitive movement. 10 min test. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 6wks 2011
Donahue7 immunoglobulin quantification Immunoglobulin concentrations (plasma). B6.A consomic w/par   (22) both 9wks 2012
Donahue8 immunoglobulin quantification Immunoglobulin concentrations (plasma). B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 9wks 2011
Donahue9 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (serum). 4h fast. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (25) both 11wks 2011
Doorenbos1 study archive Urinalysis. Creatinine, microalbumin, body weight. QTL population m 8-10wks 2008
Dzur-Gejdosova1 study archive Sterility investigation. Sperm count, testes weight. QTL population m 9wks 2012
Eumorphia1 complete blood count Hematology. inbred   (8) both 12wks 2007
Eumorphia1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. Plasma. inbred   (8) both 12wks 2007
Eumorphia1 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). Unknown fast. inbred   (8) both 12wks 2007
Eumorphia2 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content. inbred   (5) both 12, 24, 52 wks 2008
Eumorphia3 glucose tolerance 0 to 180 min after 20% glucose i.p. 16h fast. inbred   (4) both 12, 24, 52 wks 2008
Eumorphia4 intake monitoring Food intake. Daily. inbred   (4) both 12, 24 wks 2008
Eumorphia5 body temperature Hourly readings in cold room. 6h test. inbred   (4) both 12wks 2008
Eumorphia7 immunoglobulin quantification Immunoglobulin concentrations (serum). inbred   (6) both 9-12wks 2008
Everett1 body weight Body weight inbred   (14) both 9-12wks 2003
Evsikova1 body weight Body weight inbred   (14) both 25wks 2009
Evsikova1 monitoring system Locomotor activity. Aging study. 24h test with 12h light and 12h dark phases. inbred   (14) both 25wks 2009
Evsikova1 intake monitoring Food intake, water intake at 6mo. Light phase, dark phase, total. inbred   (14) both 25wks 2009
Farmer1 study archive Colitis susceptibility, severity. Colon histopathology, body and spleen weight. QTL population both 6wks 2001
Feng1 study archive Blood pressure (tail cuff), kidney weight, body weight. QTL population m 8wks 2009
Ferris1 body weight
with influenza A (H1N1) virus
Body weight CC pre w/par   (163) f 8-16wks 2012
Finn1 bottle choice test
with ethanol
Voluntary consumption of ethanol, and ethanol with saccharin (several doses in water). inbred   (22) both 8-12wks 2007
Flaherty1 elevated zero maze Anxiety-related behaviors. inbred   (8) both 8-9wks 2001
Frankel1 electroconvulsion test
with lamotrigine
Electroconvulsive thresholds. Lamotrigine. 2 test sites. inbred   (16) both 6-11wks 2000
French1 chromosome instability assessment
with benzene
Percentages of erythrocytes and reticulocytes that are micronucleated before and after exposure. DO population m 5-8wks 2015
Gershenfeld1 tail suspension test
with imipramine
Immobility. Baseline (saline) vs. imipramine i.p. 6 min test. inbred   (12) m 5-10wks 2003
Gershenfeld1 light-dark box
with imipramine
Anxiety-related behavior. Baseline (saline) vs. imipramine i.p. 10 min test. inbred   (12) m 5-10wks 2003
Gershenfeld1 open field test
with imipramine
Locomotor activity, exploratory and anxiety-related behavior. Baseline (saline) vs. imipramine i.p. inbred   (12) m 5-10wks 2003
GMC01 open field test Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. 20 min test some at 5 min intervals. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 8-9wks 2020
GMC02 grip strength Several trials. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 8-10wks 2020
GMC03 observation (SHIRPA) Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). inbred w/CC8   (8) both 8-10wks 2020
GMC04 rotarod Latency to fall from accelerating rotarod. inbred w/CC7   (7) both 9-10wks 2020
GMC05 acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 9-10wks 2020
GMC06 metabolic panel Glucose, glycerol. 16h fast. inbred   (5) both 10-11wks 2020
GMC06 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. 16h fast, plasma. inbred   (5) both 10-11wks 2020
GMC09 monitoring system Locomotor activity and energy metabolism. 21h test. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 12-13wks 2020
GMC09 intake monitoring Food, water intake. 21h test. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 12-13wks 2020
GMC10 NMR Body mass, fat and lean tissue mass. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 12-13, 18-19wks 2020
GMC11 glucose tolerance 0 to 120 min after 20% glucose i.p., 16h fast. inbred w/CC8   (6) both 13-14wks 2020
GMC15 complete blood count Hematology. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 20-21wks 2020
GMC16 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). No fast. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 16-17, 20-21wks 2020
GMC16 lipid profile Cholesterol, triglycerides. No fast, plasma. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 16-17, 20-21wks 2020
GMC18 body size and weight Body weight and length. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 17-18wks 2020
GMC18 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 17-18wks 2020
GMC20 immunoglobulin quantification Immunoglobulins (plasma). inbred w/CC8   (8) both 16-17, 20-21wks 2020
GMC20 autoantibody quantification Anti-DNA autoantibodies, rheumatoid factor. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 16-17, 20-21wks 2020
Golani1 open field test Locomotor activity, exploratory and anxiety-related behavior. inbred   (8) m 10wks 2003
Gould1 forced swim test
with lithium
Lithium (several doses) vs. control. 6 min test. inbred   (11) m 7-8wks 2011
Gould1 drug and metabolite quantification
with lithium
Lithium concentration in brain tissue and blood serum after lithium (several doses). inbred   (11) m 7-8wks 2011
Gould2 drug and metabolite quantification
with nicotine
Amount of nicotine and cotinine in blood plasma after nicotine doses. High and lower doses. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Gould2 behavior observation
with nicotine
Observed measures of anxiety. Nicotine (high dose) vs. control. 20 min period. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Gould2 elevated plus maze
with nicotine
Measures of anxiety. Nicotine (high dose) vs. control. 5 min test. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Gould2 fear conditioning test
with nicotine
Contextual fear, cued fear. Nicotine (high and several lower doses) vs. control. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Gould3 behavior observation
with nicotine
Observed measures of anxiety during nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine (several high doses) vs. control. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Gould3 elevated plus maze
with nicotine
Measures of anxiety during nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine (several high doses) vs. control. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Gould3 fear conditioning test
with nicotine
Contextual fear, cued fear during nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine (high and several lower doses) vs. control. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Gould4 conditioned place preference test
with nicotine
Nicotine preference and learning effect. Nicotine-treated vs. control. 2 trials (day 5, day 10). inbred   (8) m 8-10wks 2014
Graham1 body weight
with West Nile virus
Body weight CC RIX   (5) m 8-10wks 2015
Graham1 RNA expression profiling
with West Nile virus
Viral load and expression of Ifnb1 and Ifit1 in brain, kidney and spleen. CC RIX   (5) m 8-10wks 2015
Graham2 colony observation
with SARS-CoV
Body weight loss and mortality. CC RIX   (117) f 8-10wks 2021
Graham3 immune cell quantification Baseline splenic T cell subsets. CC RIX   (104) m 8-10wks 2021
Graubert1 complete blood count
with ENU
Hematology. inbred   (20) both 9wks; 12-64wks 2006
Graubert1 histopathology
with ENU
Tumor growth frequency rates. ENU mutagen 100 mg/kg vs. control. inbred   (20) both 9wks; 12-64wks 2006
Gros1 genotype assessment
with Candida albicans
C5 allele sufficiency or deficiency. inbred   (36) f 8-12wks 2011
Guay-Woodford1 study archive Kidney morphology, renal cystic disease severity. QTL population f 2wks 2000
Gupta1 body weight Body weight of newborns. inbred   (8) both postnatal 2011
Gupta2 body weight Body weight of newborns. BXH   (10) both postnatal 2011
Hadsell1 colony observation Maternal nurturing study. inbred   (31) f 14-18wks 2012
Hadsell1 body weight Daily body weight gain of cross-fostered pups. inbred   (31) f 14-18wks 2012
Hadsell2 mineral quantification concentrations of various minerals in milk inbred   (31) f 14-20wks 2018
Hageman1 study archive eQTL, urinary albumin excretion using microarray. QTL population m 8-10wks 2011
Hallgrimsson1 body weight Body weight DO population both 8-60 wks 2020
Handel1 body weight Body weight inbred   (14) m 8-10wks 2010
Harrill1 organ weights
with isoniazid
Body, liver, kidney weights. Isoniazid-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 8-10wks 2011
Harrill1 body weight
with isoniazid
Body weight. Isoniazid-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 8-10wks 2011
Harrill1 metabolic panel
with isoniazid
Alanine transaminase. Isoniazid-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 8-10wks 2011
Harrill1 lipid profile
with isoniazid
Cholesterol, triglycerides. Hepatic lipids. Isoniazid-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 8-10wks 2011
Harrill1 histopathology
with isoniazid
Liver pathology scores. Isoniazid-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 8-10wks 2011
Harrill2 body weight
with DB289
DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Harrill2 metabolic panel
with DB289
Blood urea nitrogen, alanine transaminase, creatinine. DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Harrill2 urinalysis
with DB289
Urine volume, creatinine. DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Harrill2 biomarker quantification
with DB289
Kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM-1). DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Harrill2 organ weights
with DB289
Kidney and liver weights. DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Harrill2 drug and metabolite quantification
with DB289
Kidney metabolite (DB75) concentration. DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
HMDPpheno2 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 16h fast, plasma. HMDP   (99) m 16wks 2010
HMDPpheno4 fear conditioning test Contextual fear, cued fear. HMDP   (94) m 10wks 2011
HMDPpheno5 complete blood count Hematology. HMDP   (83) m 16wks 2013
Ishimori1 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids, atherosclerosis lesions, parathyroid hormone after high-fat diet. QTL population f 20wks 2004
ITP1 colony observation
with (R/S)-1,3-butanediol, 17-a-estradiol, 17-dimethylaminoethylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin hydrochloride, 2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole, 3-(3-hydroxybenzyl)-5-methylbenzo[d]oxazol-2(3H)-one, 4-OH-a-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone, 4-phenylbutyrate, acarbose, aspirin, astaxanthin, b-guanidinopropionic acid, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, canagliflozin, captopril, candesartan cilexetil, curcumin, dimethyl fumarate, enalapril, fisetin, fish oil, geranylgeranyl acetone, glycine, green tea extract, INT-767 FXR/TGR5 agonist, inulin, L-Leucine, meclizine, medium-chain triglyceride, metformin, metformin plus rapamycin, methylene blue, minocycline, MitoQ, mycophenolic acid, nicotinamide riboside, nitroflurbiprofen, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, oxaloacetic acid, PB125, protandim, rapamycin, rapamycin plus acarbose, resveratrol, SG1002, simvastatin, sulindac, syringaresinol, TM5441, ursodeoxycholic acid, ursolic acid
Life span study. Various interventions vs. controls. UM-HET3 population both various 2004-2024
Jax1 body weight Body weight and growth curve from age 3wks to 10 wks, weighed weekly. inbred   (24) both 8wks 2000
JaxCC1 open field test Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. 20 min test, some at 5 min intervals. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 hole board test Exploratory behavior. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 20 min test. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 tail suspension test Latency to immobility, duration of immobility. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 rotarod Latency to fall from accelerating rotarod. 5 trials. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 grip strength 3 trials. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 urinalysis Microalbumin, creatinine, ratio. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). No fast. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. No fast, plasma. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 hormone quantification Insulin (plasma). CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxCC1 complete blood count Hematology. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxKOMP-EAP grip strength 3 trials. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP open field test Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. 20 min test, some at 5 min intervals. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP observation (SHIRPA) Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP Y-maze Spontaneous alternation and other parameters. 8 min test. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP hole board test Exploratory behavior. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 20 min test. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP rotarod Latency to fall from accelerating rotarod. 5 trials. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP tail suspension test Latency to immobility, duration of immobility. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP glucose tolerance 0 to 120 min after 20% glucose i.p., 16h fast. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP urinalysis Microalbumin, creatinine, ratio. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP monitoring system Sleep parameters, light and dark periods. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). No fast. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP complete blood count Hematology parameters. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP hormone quantification Insulin (plasma). KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP grip strength 3 trials. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP open field test Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. 20 min test, some at 5 min intervals. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP observation (SHIRPA) Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP Y-maze Spontaneous alternation and other parameters. 8 min test. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP hole board test Exploratory behavior. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 20 min test. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP glucose tolerance 0 to 120 min after 20% glucose i.p., 16h fast. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). No fast. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP complete blood count Hematology parameters. KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
Jaxpheno1 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Jaxpheno1 body weight Body weight inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Jaxpheno2 body weight Body weight inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Jaxpheno3 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). 4h fast. inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Jaxpheno3 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Jaxpheno4 complete blood count Hematology. inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Jaxpheno5 body weight Body weight and growth curve from age 3wks to 16wks, weighed weekly. inbred   (10) both 3-16wks 2014
Jaxpheno6 body weight Body weight inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Jaxpheno7 observation (SHIRPA) Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). inbred   (6) m 10wks 2010
Jaxpheno7 grip strength Peak tension. inbred   (6) m 10wks 2010
Jaxpheno7 rotarod Latency to fall from accelerating rotarod. inbred   (6) m 10wks 2010
Jaxwest1 body weight Body weight inbred   (7) both 8-14wks 2003
Jaxwest1 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content (whole body, femur, spine). inbred   (7) both 8-14wks 2003
Jentsch1 operant conditioning chamber Reversal learning test. Impulsivity, acquisition, reversal, conditioning. Performance and latency. BXD w/par   (53) m 17wks 2011
Jentsch2 operant conditioning chamber
with cocaine
Intravenous self-administration of cocaine via activation of levers, and locomotor activity. BXD   (4) both 8-17wks 2013
Justice2 complete blood count Hematology. inbred   (16) both 12-16wks 2002
Karst1 study archive Characterization of high-muscle-mass mice. QTL population both 3-10wks 2011
Kas1 balance beam Latency to reach target. inbred   (6) m 20-34wks 2009
Kas1 grid test Inverted grid performance. inbred   (6) m 20-34wks 2009
Kas1 home cage monitoring Locomotor activity. inbred   (6) m 20-34wks 2009
Kim1 study archive Glucose, insulin, body and fat pad weights. QTL population m 20-26wks 2001
Klaassen1 histopathology
with cadmium
Cadmium-induced toxicity to liver, testis, trigeminal ganglia. inbred   (8) m 8wks 2001
Kliethermes1 monitoring system Activity in a novel environment. Distance traveled, number of rears. 30 min test. inbred   (14) both 8wks 2006
Kliethermes1 two chamber assay Novel environment preference. Activity in familiar and novel compartments. 20 min test. inbred   (14) both 8wks 2006
Kliethermes1 hole board test Head dipping and other activity measures, hole board with and without objects in two of the holes. 10 min test. inbred   (14) both 8wks 2006
Kliethermes1 Y-maze Spontaneous alternation. inbred   (14) both 8wks 2006
Koide1 avoidance test Active and passive. wild-derived Mishima   (11) f 8-13wks 2000
Koide1 home cage monitoring Locomotor activity. wild-derived Mishima   (11) f 8-13wks 2000
Koide1 light-dark box Anxiety-related behavior. wild-derived Mishima   (11) f 8-13wks 2000
Koide3 open field test Exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. wild-derived Mishima   (12) both 10wks 2006
Korstanje1 urinalysis Microalbumin, creatinine, ratio. Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, and 20mo. inbred   (30) both 52, 78, 104 wks 2008
Korstanje3 study archive
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol and phospholipid transfer, baseline vs. high-fat diet. QTL population both 8-24wks 2004
Kumar1 study archive
with cocaine
Open field test. Locomotor, anxiety-related, circadian behavior. Baseline and after cocaine i.p. QTL population both 10-14wks 2014
Kumar2 open field test Distance traveled, after first 10 min and after 55 min. other   (58) both 7-26wks 2019
Kumar3 body weight Body weight inbred w/CC8   (62) both 8-14wks 2021
Kumar3 open field test Locomotor activity and grooming behavior. inbred w/CC8   (62) both 8-14wks 2021
Kumar4 body size and weight Body length measurements. inbred w/CC8   (62) both 10-20 wks 2021
Kumar4 open field test Distance traveled. inbred w/CC8   (62) both 10-20 wks 2021
Kumar4 gait analysis Angular velocity, Stride speed, Step length, Step width, and other gait metrics. inbred w/CC8   (62) both 10-20 wks 2021
Lake1 complete blood count Hematology. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 7-11wks 2005
Lake1 metabolic panel Glucose, bilirubin, aspartate transaminase (plasma). 4h fast. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 7-11wks 2005
Lake1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 7-11wks 2005
Lake2 observation (SHIRPA) Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 8wks 2005
Lake3 rotarod Latency to fall from fixed and accelerating rotorods, multiple trials. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 8-9wks 2005
Lake3 hole board test Exploratory, locomotor, and anxiety-related behavior. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 8-9wks 2005
Lake3 grip strength 3 trials. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 8-9wks 2005
Leiter2 study archive Type 1 diabetes development study. QTL population f 14-40wks 2009
Levy1 body weight Body weight CC pre   (31) both 8-14wks 2015
Li1 study archive
with western diet
Lipids, atherosclerosis lesion histopathology. High-fat, western-style diet. QTL population f 12wks 2008
Lightfoot1 body weight Body weight inbred   (41) both 8-9wks 2010
Lightfoot1 running wheel monitoring Distance, duration, speed. inbred   (41) both 8-9wks 2010
Lionikas1 body weight
with exercise
Exercise (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 microscopy
with exercise
Muscle fibers. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 muscle weights
with exercise
Various muscles. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 organ weights
with exercise
Heart weight. Cardiac ventricle weight. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 bone dimensions
with exercise
Femur length. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 swim endurance test
with exercise
Exercise vs. control, weekly for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 protein activity assessment
with exercise
Muscle enzyme levels. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Loos1 home cage monitoring Locomotor activity, avoidance, sheltering, habituation, preference index, aversion index, over several days. inbred   (8) m 8-19wks 2012
Loos2 home cage monitoring Locomotor activity, sheltering, habituation. 3 day home-cage assessment. inbred w/CC7   (11) m 8-12wks 2016
Lyons1 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids (plasma), liver weight, gallbladder and gallstone histopathology. QTL population m 16-18wks 2003
Lyons2 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids (plasma), bile, liver weight, gallbladder and gallstone histopathology. QTL population m 16-18wks 2003
Lyons3 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids, gallbladder and gallstone histopathology after high-fat diet. QTL population m 14-20wks 2004
Mao1 body weight Body weight CC   (16) both 10wks 2015
Mao1 rotarod Speed where mouse falls off accelerating rotarod, 45 degree angle, 3-5 trials. CC   (16) both 10wks 2015
Massett1 body weight Body weight inbred   (34) both 8wks 2012
Massett1 treadmill endurance test Duration, distance, work. inbred   (34) both 8wks 2012
Mathes1 body weight
with exercise
Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). CC pre w/par   (184) m 10-12wks 2011
Mathes1 MRI
with exercise
Body composition (percent fat). Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). CC pre w/par   (184) m 10-12wks 2011
Mathes1 intake monitoring
with exercise
Caloric intake. Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). Metabolism, food intake. CC pre w/par   (184) m 10-12wks 2011
Mathes1 monitoring system
with exercise
Respiratory exchange ratio. Baseline (before access to running wheel). CC pre w/par   (184) m 10-12wks 2011
Mathes1 running wheel monitoring
with exercise
Distance, speed at days 1, 6, and 12. CC pre w/par   (184) m 10-12wks 2011
Mathews1 study archive Type 1 diabetes resistance. QTL population f 8-40wks 2003
Maurer1 body weight
with atenolol, isoproterenol
Isoproterenol or atenolol vs. control. inbred   (23) m 10-12wks 2009
Maurer1 organ weights
with atenolol, isoproterenol
Heart, atria, ventricle weights. Isoproterenol or atenolol vs. control. inbred   (23) m 10-12wks 2009
Maurer1 tail cuff
with atenolol, isoproterenol
Heart rate and blood pressure. Conscious mice. Isoproterenol or atenolol vs. control. inbred   (23) m 10-12wks 2009
Maurer1 ECG
with atenolol, isoproterenol
Heart rate and wave amplitudes and intervals. Unconscious. Isoproterenol or atenolol vs. control. inbred   (23) m 10-12wks 2009
McMullan1 MRI Body composition (fat and lean mass and percent). CC   (50) f 17-72wks 2017
McMullan1 treadmill endurance test Maximal distance is recorded when mouse fails to run. CC   (50) f 17-72wks 2017
McMullan2 running wheel monitoring Running wheel activity each day for 28 days. CC   (43) f 5-22wks 2017
McMullan3 body weight Body weight before, during, and after several weeks of exercise. CC   (43) f 20-88wks 2017
McMullan3 MRI Body composition (fat and lean mass) before, during, and after several weeks of exercise. CC   (43) f 20-88wks 2017
McMullan3 intake monitoring Food intake, before, during, and after several weeks of exercise. CC   (43) f 20-88wks 2017
McMullan4 body weight
with exercise
Body weight before and after 2 weeks of exercise wheel availability. CC   (13) f 32-40wks 2018
McMullan4 MRI
with exercise
Body composition (fat and lean mass) before and after 2 weeks of exercise wheel availability. CC   (13) f 32-40wks 2018
McMullan4 running wheel monitoring
with exercise
Running wheel activity on days 11 and 12. CC   (13) f 32-40wks 2018
McMullan4 intake monitoring
with exercise
Food intake during 2 weeks of exercise wheel availability. CC   (13) f 32-40wks 2018
McMullan6 body weight
with exercise
Body weight before and after 4 weeks of treadmill-based exercise training. 3 intensity cohorts. CC   (4) both 8-10wks 2018
McMullan6 MRI
with exercise
Body composition (fat and lean mass) before and after 4 weeks of treadmill-based exercise training. 3 intensity cohorts. CC   (4) both 8-10wks 2018
McMullan7 monitoring system
with exercise
Locomotor activity, respiratory activity, body heat production, during 4 weeks of treadmill-based exercise training. 3 intensity cohorts. CC   (4) both 8-10wks 2018
McMullan7 intake monitoring
with exercise
Food and water intake, during 4 weeks of treadmill-based exercise training. 3 intensity cohorts. CC   (4) both 8-10wks 2018
Metten1 behavior observation
with ethanol
Observed gait, hindlimb splay 10 min and 30 min after ethanol i.p. (several doses). inbred   (9) both 8-11wks 2004
Metten1 open field test
with ethanol
Locomotor activity. Ethanol i.p. (several doses) vs. control (saline i.p.). 45s test. inbred   (9) both 8-11wks 2004
Metten2 body weight
with ethanol
Body weight inbred   (15) m 8-11wks 2005
Metten2 behavior observation
with ethanol
Ethanol withdrawal severity and handling-induced convulsions. inbred   (15) m 8-11wks 2005
Mitchell1 go/no-go task Pre-cue, go cue. no-go cue. Discrimination index. inbred   (15) m 5-7wks 2010
Mitchell1 monitoring system Locomotor activity. inbred   (15) m 5-7wks 2010
Mogil2 monitoring system Locomotor activity. Light and dark phases. inbred   (12) m 6-10wks 2000
Molenhuis1 monitoring system Social interaction and discrimination; activity, digging, grooming. CC   (52) m 7-20wks 2018
Molenhuis1 body weight Body weight CC   (52) m 7-20wks 2018
Mooney1 protein activity assessment Acetylcholinesterase activity of cerebellum and dorsal and ventral hippocampus inbred   (20) m 8-12wks 2021
Mooney2 fear conditioning test
with nicotine
Percent freezing for training and testing in both contextual and cued fear conditioning. inbred   (21) m 8-12wks 2021
Morgan1 body weight
with high-fat diet and olanzapine
Body weight and growth curve from age 8wks to 18wks weighed every 2wks. Olanzapine vs. control (both groups high-fat diet). inbred w/CC8   (9) f 8-18wks 2014
Moy1 three chamber assay Sociability and preference for social novelty. Autism-relevant behaviors. inbred   (17) m 6-7wks 2008
Mrug1 study archive Kidney morphology. QTL population both 1-2wks 2005
Nadeau1 body weight
with high-fat diet
Baseline vs. high-fat diet for 12wks. B6.A consomic w/par   (24) m 5, 17 wks 2008
Nadeau2 body size and weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body weight, size, and body mass index after 16wks on high-fat high-sucrose diet. B6.A consomic w/par   (24) m 5, 21 wks 2015
Nadeau2 metabolic panel
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Glucose, insulin, insulin resistance after 16wks of high-fat high-sucrose diet. 16h fast. B6.A consomic w/par   (24) m 5, 21 wks 2015
Nadeau2 lipid profile
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Cholesterol, triglycerides. 16h fast, plasma. Hepatic triglycerides. B6.A consomic w/par   (24) m 5, 21 wks 2015
Nadeau3 body weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
After 16 wks on high-fat high-sucrose diet. inbred   (2) m 21 wks 2016
Nadeau3 body size and weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body weight and body mass index after 16 wks of high-fat high-sucrose diet. inbred   (2) m 21 wks 2016
Nadeau3 hormone quantification
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Insulin and insulin resistance after 16 wks of high-fat high-sucrose diet. Overnight fast. inbred   (2) m 21 wks 2016
Nadeau3 lipid profile
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Cholesterol and triglycerides. Overnight fast, plasma. Hepatic triglycerides. inbred   (2) m 21 wks 2016
Nadeau4 body weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
High-fat high-sucrose diet for 14-15 wks B6.A consomic w/par   (3) m 4-19 wks 2016
Nadeau4 body size and weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body length and body mass index after high-fat high-sucrose diet for 14-15 wks B6.A consomic w/par   (3) m 4-19 wks 2016
Naggert1 body weight
with high-fat diet
High-fat diet for 8wks. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 5, 21 wks 2003
Naggert1 DXA
with high-fat diet
Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content after 8wks on high-fat diet. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 5, 21 wks 2003
Naggert1 metabolic panel
with high-fat diet
Glucose (plasma). Baseline vs. high-fat diet (17wks). 4h fast. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 5, 21 wks 2003
Naggert1 hormone quantification
with high-fat diet
Insulin and leptin after 18wks on high-fat diet. Multiple readings per animal were averaged. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 5, 21 wks 2003
Nelson1 body weight
with restricted diet
Restricted diet vs. ad libitum diet. ILSXISS   (44) both max lifespan 2010
Nelson1 NMR
with restricted diet
Body mass, fat mass, lean mass. Restricted diet vs. ad libitum diet. ILSXISS   (44) both max lifespan 2010
Nelson1 colony observation
with restricted diet
Life span comparison. Restricted diet vs. ad libitum diet. ILSXISS   (44) both max lifespan 2010
Neuner1 body weight Measured every 2 mo, starting at age 2 mo to 16 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Neuner1 Y-maze Spontaneous alternation and other parameters measured every 2 mo, from age 2 to 16 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Neuner1 balance beam Time to cross narrow beam, age 6 and 14 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Neuner1 inclined screen test Time to right body, age 6 and 14 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Neuner1 grip strength Grip strength across 3 trials, age 6 mo and 14 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Neuner1 behavior observation Sensorimotor composite score, age 6 mo and 14 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Neuner1 elevated plus maze Distance traveled and arm entries, age 6 mo and 14 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Neuner1 fear conditioning test Time spent freezing, age 6 mo and 14 mo. F1 AD-BXD   (55) both 7-65wks 2019
Noll1 immunoglobulin quantification IgM, IgG1, IgG2a + IgG2c, IgG2b, IgG3, total IgG CC RIX   (46) f 8-12 wks of age 2020
Odet1 body weight Body weight inbred   (8) m 10-66wks 2015
Odet1 metabolic panel Male reproductive sperm lactate production. inbred   (8) m 10-66wks 2015
Paigen1 body weight
with high-fat diet
Baseline vs. high-fat diet for 8wks. inbred   (44) both 15-19wks 2000
Paigen1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL. 4h fast, plasma. Hepatic lipids. 8wks on high-fat diet. inbred   (44) both 15-19wks 2000
Paigen1 metabolic panel
with high-fat diet
Alanine transaminase, bile salts (plasma) after 8wks on high-fat diet. 4h fast. inbred   (44) both 15-19wks 2000
Paigen2 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides. Baseline vs. high-fat diet (17wks). 4h fast, plasma. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 7-9wks, 24-27wks 2002
Paigen3 body weight
with high-fat diet
Baseline vs. high-fat diet for 8wks. obesity mutants   (8) both 15-19wks 2000
Paigen3 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL. 4h fast, plasma. Hepatic lipids. 8wks on high-fat diet. obesity mutants   (8) both 15-19wks 2000
Paigen3 metabolic panel
with high-fat diet
Alanine transaminase, bile salts (plasma) after 8wks on high-fat diet. 4h fast. obesity mutants   (8) both 15-19wks 2000
Paigen4 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 10wks 2002
Palmer1 fear conditioning test Innate anxiety-like behavior and contextual fear conditioning. B6.A consomic w/par   (19) both 10wks 2007
Palmer2 open field test
with methamphetamine
Locomotor activity and habituation. Baseline (saline) vs. methamphetamine 2 mg/kg i.p. 30 min test. B6.A consomic w/par   (21) both 10wks 2008
Palmer3 body weight Body weight F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer3 open field test Locomotor and exploratory behavior. 30 min test. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer3 fear conditioning test Contextual fear, cued fear. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer3 acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer3 forced swim test Immobility time. 6 min test. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer3 metabolic panel Glucose (blood). Before and after 16h fast. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer4 body weight
with methamphetamine
Body weight F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer4 light-dark box
with methamphetamine
Anxiety-related. 5 min test. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer4 open field test
with methamphetamine
Locomotor and exploratory activity, anxiety-related behavior, methamphetamine sensitivity. 30 min test. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer4 forced swim test
with methamphetamine
Immobility time. 6 min test. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer4 acoustic startle test
with methamphetamine
Acoustic startle response. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer5 body weight Body weight F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer5 open field test Locomotor and exploratory behavior. 30 min test. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer5 fear conditioning test Contextual fear, cued fear. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer5 acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer5 forced swim test Immobility time. 6 min test. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer5 metabolic panel Glucose (blood). Before and after 16h fast. F1 Tcf7l2   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer6 body weight
with methamphetamine
Body weight F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer6 light-dark box
with methamphetamine
Anxiety-related. 5 min test. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer6 open field test
with methamphetamine
Locomotor and exploratory activity, anxiety-related behavior, methamphetamine sensitivity. 30 min test. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer6 forced swim test
with methamphetamine
Immobility time. 6 min test. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Palmer6 acoustic startle test
with methamphetamine
Acoustic startle response. F1 Cacna1c   (30) both 7-14wks 2017
Payseur1 study archive Body weight of Gough Island mice. QTL population both 1-16wks 2015
Peters1 complete blood count Hematology. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 10wks 2001
Peters2 complete blood count Hematology. AXB BXA   (28) both 11wks 2004
Peters4 complete blood count Hematology. Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 18mo, 24mo. inbred   (30) both 26, 52, 78, 104 wks 2007
Peters5 study archive Complete blood count measures on fetuses, newborns. QTL population both fetus, newborn 2004
Petryshen1 acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. B6.A consomic   (22) m 7-9wks 2009
Pitman1 study archive
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol (plasma) after high-fat diet (several timepoints). QTL population f 6-26wks 2002
Pletcher1 body weight Body weight inbred   (32) m 7-9wks 2007
Pletcher1 open field test Locomotor and anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. inbred   (32) m 7-9wks 2007
Pletcher1 tail suspension test Immobility percentage. inbred   (32) m 7-9wks 2007
Pletcher1 hormone quantification Corticosterone (serum). inbred   (32) m 7-9wks 2007
Reed1 body size and weight Body weight, body length, body mass index. inbred   (28) m 8, 12 wks 2009
Reed2 body size and weight Body weight, body length, body mass index. B6.129 and 129.B6 consomic w/par   (9) both 26wks 2015
Reed2 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. High-fat diet vs. control. Two age cohorts. B6.129 and 129.B6 consomic w/par   (9) both 26wks 2015
Reifsnyder1 study archive Body weight (several ages), fat mass, body mass index, fat pad weights. QTL population m 4-24wks 2000
Reifsnyder2 study archive Type 1 diabetes onset. QTL population f 12-40wks 2005
Rhodes1 running wheel monitoring
with exercise
Locomotor activity. Exercise wheel group vs. control group. Distance per day. inbred   (12) both 8-15wks 2010
Rhodes1 body weight
with exercise
Exercise wheel group vs. control group. inbred   (12) both 8-15wks 2010
Rhodes1 microscopy
with exercise
Examination of hippocampus dentate gyrus. Exercise wheel group vs. control group. inbred   (12) both 8-15wks 2010
Rice1 proteomic profiling Hair proteomics analysis. Spectral counts for 46 specific proteins. inbred   (11) both 10-19wks 2012
Richards-Smith1 study archive
with macronutrient diet option
Caloric intake, glucose, body and fat pad weights. Macronutrient diet option. QTL population m 8-13wks 2002
Richfield1 open field test Locomotor activity. 3 day trials. 45 min sessions. inbred   (15) m 7-9wks 2003
Richfield1 neurotransmitter quantification Neurotransmitters. Molecular measures. inbred   (15) m 7-9wks 2003
RIKEN-EAD1 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). 4h fast. inbred RBRC   (56) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD1 complete blood count Hematology. inbred RBRC   (56) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. inbred RBRC   (56) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD1 body size and weight Body weight, body length, tail length. inbred RBRC   (56) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD2 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). 4h fast. wild-derived RBRC   (33) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD2 complete blood count Hematology. wild-derived RBRC   (33) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD2 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. wild-derived RBRC   (33) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD2 body size and weight Body weight, body length, tail length. wild-derived RBRC   (33) both 8, 12 wks 2008
Rusyn2 metabolic panel
with trichloroethylene
Blood urea nitrogen, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase (serum). Baseline and trichloroethylene-exposed (several timepoints). No fast. inbred   (17) m 7wks 2010
Rusyn2 drug and metabolite quantification
with trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene metabolites in serum, 2h, 4h, 24h after trichoroethylene exposure. inbred   (17) m 7wks 2010
Rusyn5 metabolic panel
with high-fat diet and ethanol
Alanine transaminase (serum) after 4wk regimen of ethanol vs. control, both groups on high-fat diet. 24h fast. inbred   (14) m 8-14wks 2011
Rusyn5 alcohol quantification
with high-fat diet and ethanol
Alcohol concentration in blood and urine after 4 wk regimen of ethanol vs. control, both groups on high-fat diet. 24h fast. inbred   (14) m 8-14wks 2011
Rusyn5 organ weights
with high-fat diet and ethanol
Liver weight after 4wk regimen of ethanol vs. control, both groups on high-fat diet. 24h fast. inbred   (14) m 8-14wks 2011
Rusyn5 histopathology
with high-fat diet and ethanol
Liver histopathology, injury after 4wk regimen of ethanol vs. control, both groups on high-fat diet. 24h fast. inbred   (14) m 8-14wks 2011
Rusyn5 metabolite quantification
with high-fat diet and ethanol
Homocysteine concentration after 4wk regimen of ethanol vs. control, both groups on high-fat diet. 24h fast. inbred   (14) m 8-14wks 2011
Rusyn5 lipid profile
with high-fat diet and ethanol
Hepatic triglycerides after 4wk regimen of ethanol and high-fat diet. 24h fast. inbred   (14) m 8-14wks 2011
Rusyn5 RNA expression profiling
with high-fat diet and ethanol
Liver gene expression after 4wk regimen of ethanol and high-fat diet. 24h fast. mRNA abundance relative to the control (high-fat only) group. inbred   (14) m 8-14wks 2011
Rusyn6 organ weights
with trichloroethylene
Liver, kidney weights. Trichloroethylene-exposed vs. control. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Rusyn6 metabolic panel
with trichloroethylene
Blood urea nitrogen (serum). Trichloroethylene-exposed vs. control. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Rusyn6 drug and metabolite quantification
with trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene metabolite in blood, liver, kidney after trichloroethylene exposure. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Rusyn6 RNA expression profiling
with trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene effect on mRNA gene expression in liver and kidney, relative to controls. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Rusyn6 histopathology
with trichloroethylene
Kidney histopathology evaluation after trichloroethylene exposure, relative to controls. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Sandell1 health assessment Post-injury wound healing. Ear cartilage and articular cartilage. LGXSM w/par   (15) both 6-7wks 2012
Sandell1 histopathology Post-injury wound healing. Articular cartilage at 12wks and 16wks post-injury. LGXSM w/par   (15) both 6-7wks 2012
Schalkwyk1 Morris water maze Spatial learning and memory. Multiple trials. inbred   (8) m 9-11wks 2010
Schalkwyk1 light-dark box Anxiety-related behavior. inbred   (8) m 9-11wks 2010
Schalkwyk1 open field test Locomotor activity and exploratory behavior. 5 min test. inbred   (8) m 9-11wks 2010
Schalkwyk1 elevated plus maze Anxiety-related and exploratory behavior. 5 min test. inbred   (8) m 9-11wks 2010
Schalkwyk1 puzzle box Learning and memory. inbred   (8) m 9-11wks 2010
Schalkwyk1 tail suspension test Duration of immobility. Two trials. inbred   (8) m 9-11wks 2010
Schauwecker1 health assessment
with pilocarpine
Study of pilocarpine effect on epilepticus seizures. inbred   (11) m 8-10wks 2012
Schoenrock1 body weight
with various diets
Body weight at weaning and time of test. Comparison of 4 diets. CC RIX   (18) f 8-9 wks 2018
Schoenrock1 open field test
with various diets
Locomotor activity, anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. Comparison of 4 diets. CC RIX   (18) f 8-9 wks 2018
Schoenrock1 light-dark box
with various diets
Anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. Comparison of 4 diets. CC RIX   (18) f 8-9 wks 2018
Schoenrock1 body temperature
with various diets
Temperature before and after stress. Comparison of 4 diets. CC RIX   (18) f 8-9 wks 2018
Schoenrock1 forced swim test
with various diets
Immobility time. 6 min test. Comparison of 4 diets. CC RIX   (18) f 8-9 wks 2018
Schoenrock1 hormone quantification
with various diets
Serum corticosterone at baseline and 10 mins after stress. Comparison of 4 diets. CC RIX   (18) f 8-9 wks 2018
Schonfeld1 body weight Body weight inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Schonfeld1 glucose tolerance 0 to 120 min after 10% glucose i.p. 5h fast. inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Schonfeld1 insulin tolerance 0 to 120 min after insulin i.p. 5h fast. inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Schonfeld1 lipid profile Cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids. 5h fast, plasma. Hepatic triglycerides. inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Schonfeld1 metabolic panel Glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate (plasma). No fast. inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Schonfeld1 DXA Fat mass. inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Schonfeld1 hormone quantification Insulin level, 30 min post-injection in glucose tolerance test. 10% glucose. 5h fast. inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Schoonjans1 body weight
with high-fat diet
At 8, 20 and 29 wks of age. BXD w/par   (36) m 8-29 wks 2022
Schoonjans1 glucose tolerance
with high-fat diet
Plasma glucose levels at 0, 30, 60 min post oral gavage of Ensure Plus, overday fast. BXD w/par   (36) m 8-29 wks 2022
Schoonjans1 biomarker quantification
with high-fat diet
Bile acid levels in plasma, feces, and liver. BXD w/par   (36) m 8-29 wks 2022
Schughart1 body weight
with influenza A (H1N1) virus
Influenza A (H1N1) virus vs. baseline. Several timepoints. inbred   (9) both 10-12wks 2009
Schughart2 body weight
with influenza A (H1N1) virus
Influenza A (H1N1) virus vs. baseline. Several timepoints.. BXD w/par   (56) f 9-18wks 2012
Schughart3 body weight
with influenza A (H3N2) virus
Influenza A (H3N2) virus (several doses) vs. baseline. Several timepoints. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 7-13wks 2013
Schughart4 body weight
with influenza A (H3N2) virus
Influenza A (H3N2) virus vs. controls. Several timepoints. inbred w/CC8   (8) f 8-12wks 2016
Schughart5 body weight
with influenza A (H3N2) virus
Influenza A (H3N2) virus vs. controls. Several timepoints. inbred w/CC8   (8) f 8-12wks 2016
Schulz1 body weight Body weight inbred   (7) both 9-18wks 2000
Schwartz2 bronchoalveolar lavage assessment
with ovalbumin
Lung inflammatory changes. Ovalbumin vs. control. inbred   (8) m 6-8wks 2001
Seburn1 body weight Body weight inbred   (16) both 7-9wks 2001
Seburn1 monitoring system Locomotor activity and energy metabolism. 24h test. inbred   (16) both 7-9wks 2001
Seburn1 intake monitoring Food, caloric, and water intake. Daily. inbred   (16) both 7-9wks 2001
Seburn2 grip strength Peak tension. 3 trials. Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 18mo, 24mo. inbred   (32) both 26, 52, 78, 104 wks 2008
Seburn2 gait analysis Aging study, 6mo, 18mo. inbred   (32) both 26, 52, 78, 104 wks 2008
Sheehan1 study archive Urinalysis. Creatinine, microalbumin, body weight. QTL population m 10wks 2007
Shimomura1 study archive Circadian activity. QTL population both 2001
Shimomura2 monitoring system Circadian and sleep-related behavior. inbred w/CC7   (38) both 10wks 2015
Shin1 observational fear learning test Percent time freezing to conditioning and contextual exposure. inbred   (11) m 12-14wks 2016
Shin1 fear conditioning test Pavlovian fear conditioning. inbred   (11) m 12-14wks 2016
Shin1 open field test Locomotor activity and exploratory behavior. 5 min test. inbred   (11) m 12-14wks 2016
Shin1 elevated plus maze Exploratory and anxiety-related behaviors. 5 min test. inbred   (11) m 12-14wks 2016
Shin1 three chamber assay Sociability testing. Tolerance of a novel mouse, a novel object, and second novel mouse vs. first. 10 min test. inbred   (11) m 12-14wks 2016
Shockley1 body weight
with high-fat diet
High-fat diet for 4wks vs. control. inbred   (10) both 10-13wks 2008
Shockley1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. High-fat diet (4wks) vs. control. 5h fast, serum. inbred   (10) both 10-13wks 2008
Shockley1 metabolic panel
with high-fat diet
Clinical blood chemistry measures (serum). High-fat diet (4wks) vs. control. inbred   (10) both 10-13wks 2008
Shorter2 body weight
with various diets
Diets vs controls. DO population both 12-15wks, 24-25wks 2018
Shorter4 body weight Body weight CC   (12) m 15-33wks 2020
Shorter5 body weight Body weight CC RIX   (28) m 7-44wks 2020
Shorter8 body weight Body weight DO population m 12-15wks 2020
Solberg1 study archive Open field test, forced swim test, defensive burying task. QTL population both 11-17wks 2004
Spijker1 acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. BXD w/par   (45) m 8wks 2011
Spijker1 choice serial reaction time task Choice serial reaction time task. Impulsivity, attention, cognitive flexibility behavior. BXD w/par   (45) m 8wks 2011
Spijker2 home cage monitoring Exploratory behavior. 4 min and 10 min tests. inbred   (12) m 6wks 2009
Spijker2 open field test Locomotor activity and exploratory behavior. 10 min test. inbred   (12) m 6wks 2009
Spijker2 light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 5 min test. inbred   (12) m 6wks 2009
Spijker2 elevated plus maze Exploratory and anxiety-related behaviors. 5 min test. inbred   (12) m 6wks 2009
Spijker2 choice serial reaction time task Choice serial reaction time task. Impulsivity, attention, cognitive flexibility behavior. 25 min test. inbred   (12) m 6wks 2009
Stylianou1 study archive
with high-fat diet
Body size, weight, fat pad weights after high-fat diet. QTL population both 24wks 2006
Stylianou2 study archive Lipids. Cholesterol, triglycerides, body weight. QTL population both 8-10wks 2006
Su2 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids (plasma). Cholesterol, triglycerides, aortic lesions, body mass index. QTL population f 14wks 2009
Sugiyama3 study archive Blood pressure (tail cuff), heart weight, body weight. QTL population m 10wks 2002
Sunde1 body weight
with selenium
Body weight curve 3 to 12 wks, control group. inbred w/CC8   (8) m 3-14wks 2018
Sunde1 RNA expression profiling
with selenium
Selenium regulation of selenoprotein enzyme activity and transcripts. inbred w/CC8   (8) m 3-14wks 2018
Svenson3 complete blood count Hematology. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 9wks 2006
Svenson3 metabolic panel Glucose, bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen, aspartate transaminase (plasma). 4h fast. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 9wks 2006
Svenson3 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 9wks 2006
Svenson4 body size and weight Body weight, body length, body mass index. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 16wks 2006
Svenson4 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 16wks 2006
Svenson5 monitoring system Sleep patterns. B6.PWD consomic   (15) both 9-11wks 2006
Svenson7 body weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body weight from 3-30 wks of age. Principal components. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 metabolic panel
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Clinical chemistry at 8 and 19 wks of age. 4h fast. Clinical chemistry at 17 wks of age. No fast. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 lipid profile
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Cholesterol, fatty acids, triglyceride at 8 and 19 wks of age. 4h fast. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 complete blood count
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Hematology at 10 and 22 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 urinalysis
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Glucose, creatinine, microalbumin, albumin-creatinine ratio at 11 and 20 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 body size and weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body length at 12 and 21 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 DXA
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body mass, lean mass, fat mass, bone mineral density at 12 and 21 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 MRI
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Lean and fat tissue mass, water mass at 16 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 glucose tolerance
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
0-180 min after 20% glucose i.p. at 23-24 wks of age. 15h fast. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Taft1 assisted reproduction Performance following assisted reproductive technologies. inbred   (10) f various 2006
Tarantino1 body weight
with cocaine
Body weight inbred   (45) m 8-11wks 2015
Tarantino1 open field test
with cocaine
Locomotor activity. Baseline (saline) vs. cocaine 20 mg/kg i.p. 30 min test. inbred   (45) m 8-11wks 2015
Tarantino2 open field test
with ovariectomy
Locomotor activity and exploratory behavior. Mice with ovariectomy surgery vs. controls (sham surgery), 10 min test. inbred   (37) f 8-10wks 2016
Tarantino2 forced swim test
with ovariectomy
Mice with ovariectomy surgery vs. controls (sham surgery), 6 min test. inbred   (37) f 8-10wks 2016
Thomsen1 open field test
with cocaine
Locomotor activity. Baseline (saline) vs. cocaine i.p. (several doses). 1.3h and 2.3 h duration. inbred   (15) both 8-10wks 2011
Thomsen2 open field test
with R-6-Br-APB, quinelorane
Locomotor activity. Baseline (saline) vs. dopamine agonists i.p. (several doses). 3h session. inbred   (15) both 8-10wks 2011
Threadgill1 metabolic panel
with acetaminophen
Blood urea nitrogen, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase (serum), liver enzyme homeostasis. Acetaminophen (several doses) vs. control, several timepoints post-Rx. 18h fast. inbred w/CC7   (37) m 8-17wks 2005
Threadgill1 histopathology
with acetaminophen
Liver histopathology, necrosis after acetaminophen vs. control. 18h fast. inbred w/CC7   (37) m 8-17wks 2005
Threadgill1 metabolite quantification
with acetaminophen
Liver protein homeostasis. Acetaminophen vs. control. 18h fast. inbred w/CC7   (37) m 8-17wks 2005
Threadgill1 biomarker quantification
with acetaminophen
Liver cytochrome isoforms. Acetaminophen vs. control. 18h fast. inbred w/CC7   (37) m 8-17wks 2005
Threadgill1 organ weights
with acetaminophen
Liver weight after acetaminophen (several doses) vs. control. 18h fast. inbred w/CC7   (37) m 8-17wks 2005
Threadgill2 metabolic panel
with acetaminophen
Alanine transaminase (serum). Acetaminophen (several doses) vs. control. inbred   (5) m 6-8wks 2005
Threadgill2 metabolite quantification
with acetaminophen
Glutathione. inbred   (5) m 6-8wks 2005
Threadgill2 drug and metabolite quantification
with acetaminophen
Acetaminophen metabolite concentrations (serum) and liver protein homeostasis. Baseline vs. acetaminophen (several doses, several timepoints). inbred   (5) m 6-8wks 2005
Threadgill2 histopathology
with acetaminophen
Liver histopathology, necrosis, injury after acetaminophen vs. control. 18h fast. inbred   (5) m 6-8wks 2005
Tomasini1 biomarker quantification Fibronectin. inbred   (25) both 9wks 2007
Tordoff1 bottle choice test Various salt solutions (several concentrations) vs. water. inbred   (28) m 9wks 2001
Tordoff2 body weight Body weight inbred   (28) m 4-12wks 2001
Tordoff2 intake monitoring Food intake, water intake. Daily. inbred   (28) m 4-12wks 2001
Tordoff3 body weight Body weight inbred w/CC7   (40) both 9-15wks 2002
Tordoff3 bottle choice test Various salt solutions (several concentrations) vs. water. inbred w/CC7   (40) both 9-15wks 2002
Tordoff3 DXA Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content. inbred w/CC7   (40) both 9-15wks 2002
Tordoff3 metabolic panel Ionized and total blood calcium, blood pH. inbred w/CC7   (40) both 9-15wks 2002
Trullas1 elevated plus maze Exploratory and anxiety-related behaviors. 5 min test. inbred   (16) m 6-8wks 1993
Trullas1 open field test Locomotor activity under dim lights vs. bright lights. 5 min test. inbred   (16) m 6-8wks 1993
Trullas1 monitoring system Novelty-induced fear test. Eating inhibition due to novelty of environment. 10 min test. inbred   (16) m 6-8wks 1993
Trullas1 hormone quantification Corticosterone levels (plasma). Baseline vs. after stress (30 min in restraining cage). inbred   (16) m 6-8wks 1993
Tsaih1 study archive Brain weight, body weight. QTL population both 2005
Vanderlinden1 body weight Body weight ILSXISS   (43) both 8-23wks 2015
Vanderlinden1 intake monitoring Ethanol consumed during 2h availability during dark phase. 4 days/trials with variations. ILSXISS   (43) both 8-23wks 2015
Vinyard1 body weight Body weight inbred   (21) both 6-8wks 2009
Vulpe1 mineral quantification Liver mineral levels. Iron, copper, zinc. Iron homeostasis. inbred   (18) both 8wks 2010
Vulpe1 transferrin quantification Diferric transferrin (plasma). inbred   (18) both 8wks 2010
Wahlsten1 open field test Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. 5 min test. inbred   (21) both 9, 12 wks 2003
Wahlsten1 elevated plus maze Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. inbred   (21) both 9, 12 wks 2003
Wahlsten2 behavior observation Wildness scoring during various phenotyping tests. inbred   (21) both 10-12wks 2003
Wang1 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids (plasma). Cholesterol, inducibility, triglycerides, atherosclerosis lesions. QTL population f 10-23wks 2003
Willott1 body weight Body weight inbred w/CC7   (40) both 5-6wks 2002
Willott1 acoustic startle test Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. inbred w/CC7   (40) both 5-6wks 2002
Wiltshire1 elevated plus maze Locomotor activity. inbred   (38) both 12-14wks 2010
Wiltshire1 open field test Locomotor activity. inbred   (38) both 12-14wks 2010
Wiltshire1 light-dark box Light-dark test. Anxiety-related behavior. inbred   (38) both 12-14wks 2010
Wiltshire2 tail suspension test
with fluoxetine
Immobility. Fluoxetine-treated vs. control. 5 min test. inbred   (30) m 9-11wks 2011
Wiltshire2 open field test
with fluoxetine
Locomotor activity, exploratory and anxiety-related behavior. Fluoxetine-treated vs. control. 7 min test. inbred   (30) m 9-11wks 2011
Wiltshire2 drug and metabolite quantification
with fluoxetine
Fluoxetine and norfluoxetine concentration (serum) after fluoxetine. inbred   (30) m 9-11wks 2011
Wiltshire3 biomarker quantification
with fluoxetine
Brain tissue survey of 30 biochemical analytes. Fluoxetine-treated vs. control. 21d. inbred   (30) m 10-11wks 2011
Wiltshire4 immune cell quantification
with BEZ235, doxorubicin, idarubicin, selumetinib
In vitro study of 4 cancer chemotherapies (BEZ235, doxorubicin, idarubicin, selumetinib) vs. control. Effect on immune cells. Normalized data. inbred w/CC7   (36) m 10wks 2015
Wittenburg1 study archive
with high-fat diet
Liver weight, gallbladder and gallstone histopathology. QTL population both 18-20wks 2002
Wittenburg2 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids (plasma), liver weight, gallbladder and gallstone histopathology. QTL population both 6-16wks 2003
Wittenburg3 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids (plasma), liver weight, gallbladder and gallstone histopathology. QTL population both 2005
Xenakis1 body weight Body weight CC RIX   (73) both 7-13wks 2020
Xenakis1 inclined screen test Latency to move all four paws. CC RIX   (73) both 7-13wks 2020
Xenakis1 open field test Locomotor activity, anxiety, stereotypy. CC RIX   (73) both 7-13wks 2020
Xenakis1 behavior observation Vacuous chewing, tongue protrusion, jaw tremor. CC RIX   (73) both 7-13wks 2020
Xenakis1 drug and metabolite quantification Plasma haloperidol concentration. CC RIX   (73) both 7-13wks 2020
Xenakis2 body weight
with arsenic
Baseline, then after iAs exposure for 26 wks DO population m 4-34 wks 2022
Xenakis2 intake monitoring
with arsenic
Food and water consumption, at baseline then at 1 to 4 wk intervals after iAs exposure DO population m 4-34 wks 2022
Xenakis2 MRI
with arsenic
Fat and lean tissue mass at baseline, and 12 and 24 wks after iAs exposure DO population m 4-34 wks 2022
Xenakis2 urinalysis
with arsenic
Urine volume at baseline, and 12 and 24 wks after iAs exposure DO population m 4-34 wks 2022
Xenakis2 metabolic panel
with arsenic
Blood glucose following 6 h fast, and after intraperitoneal glucose injection; at baseline and after iAs exposure DO population m 4-34 wks 2022
Xenakis2 hormone quantification
with arsenic
Blood insulin following 6 h fast, and after intraperitoneal glucose injection; at baseline and after iAs exposure DO population m 4-34 wks 2022
Xenakis2 metabolite quantification
with arsenic
iAs quantification in urine and liver, at 24 and 26 wks after iAs exposure. IAs speciation evaluated specifically monomethyl-arsenic acid (MMA) and dimethyl-arsenic acid (DMA) DO population m 4-34 wks 2022
Xing2 gait analysis Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 18mo. inbred   (31) both 26, 52, 78 wks 2010
Xiong1 study archive Circadian behavior. QTL population m 9-34wks 2011
Yi1 study archive Body weight (several timepoints) and liver weight. QTL population both 2-12wks 2007
Yuan1 body weight Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, and 18mo. inbred   (33) both 26, 52, 78 wks 2007
Yuan1 hormone quantification Insulin-like growth factor 1 (serum). Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, and 18mo. inbred   (33) both 26, 52, 78 wks 2007
Yuan2 colony observation Life span study. Survival curves. Aging study. inbred   (31) both max lifespan 2007
Yuan3 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry. Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 18mo. inbred   (32) both 26, 52, 78 wks 2008
Yuan3 lipid profile Cholesterol (HDL). Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 18mo. 4h fast, plasma. inbred   (32) both 26, 52, 78 wks 2008
Yuan5 study archive Plasma levels of P-selectin and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. QTL population f 18wks 2008
Zaytseva1 glycosylation profile IgG glycan peaks, relative abundance CC   (111) both 4-140wks 2018
Zaytseva2 glycosylation profile IgG subclasses, relative abundance CC   (95) both 20-117wks 2018
Zhang1 study archive
with western diet
Atherosclerosis and glucose homeostasis. Lesions, lipids, glucose, insulin. High-fat, western-style diet. QTL population f <6-18wks 2012
Zimmermann1 body weight inbred   (30) both 7-15 wks 2020
Zimmermann1 intake monitoring Food and water intake; 2-day test, second day data analyzed during 12:12h light and dark periods. inbred   (30) both 7-15 wks 2020
Zimmermann1 monitoring system Voluntary activity and energy expenditure. 2-day test, second day data analyzed during 12:12h light and dark periods. inbred   (30) both 7-15 wks 2020