About the Mouse Phenome Database
Version: 2.13.2

The Mouse Phenome Database (MPD, RRID:SCR_003212) enables the integration of genomic and phenomic data by providing access to primary experimental data, well-documented data collection protocols and analysis tools. Data are contributed by investigators from around the world and represent a broad scope of behavioral, morphological and physiological disease-related characteristics in naive mice and those exposed to drugs, environmental agents or other treatments.

Data in MPD include per mouse and per strain data from genetic reference populations for which data are cumulative over time and across laboratories. Strain types include inbred, recombinant inbred, Collaborative Cross, chromosome substitution, mutants, and others. In addition, there are data from heterogeneous mice in mapping populations including Diversity Outbred and other inbred mouse strain crosses in the QTL Archive.

MPD provides a venue for compliance with data sharing policies and facilitates data reuse and data integration to provide a means of analyzing trait relations, discovering the biological basis of complex traits, and assessing replicability and reproducibility across experimental conditions and protocols.

MPD is a grant-funded research resource headquartered at The Jackson Laboratory.

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Contributing data

• How to contribute data
• List of contributing centers
• List of contributing investigators

Finding data

Use Search or Menu in the upper-right corner of each MPD page.

Using data

• Terms of Use
• Citing MPD data
• Analysis tool demo
• pyLMM GWAS vizualizations
• Table downloads
• Field descriptions
• Publications where MPD utilized / mentioned

Other info

• Statistics glossary
• Using MPD search
• Ontologies in MPD
• Using sortable, filterable tables
• Using MPD's SNP retrieval utility
• Measured units
• Commonly used HTML special character constructs
• MPD change log