Search results: Projects / data sets matching 'Jentsch '

CSNA01 Jentsch JD, Bagley J, James AS Characterization of oral sucrose self administration in males of 87 strains of the Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel (HMDP) and 4 wild-derived strains (2018)
CSNA02 Jentsch JD, Bailey LS, Bagley J Reward sensitivity, impulse action and choice, and drinking in the dark in Collaborative Cross strains of mice and 8 founder inbred strains (2023)
CSNA03 Chesler EJ, Gagnon L, Jentsch JD, Logan RW, Philip VM, Reinholdt L, Tarantino LM, Wilcox T Behavioral phenotypes on cocaine self-administration, acute drug response, impulsivity, reward seeking, and circadian dysregulation in Collaborative Cross strains of mice, Diversity Outbred mice, and their 8 founder inbred strains (2021)
Jentsch1 Jentsch JD, Williams RW Reversal learning in males of 51 BXD recombinant inbred strains of mice (2011)
Jentsch2 Jentsch JD Drug study: Cocaine self-administration behavior and capacities for inhibitory control in 4 BXD recombinant inbred strains of mice (2013)