Studies associated with ontology term
MA:0000325   'urinary system'
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Data set Procedure What's in this data set Panel Sex Age (weeks) Year
Ankra-Badu1 study archive Body, organ, fat pad weights, weight gain, litter size. QTL population both 2-10wks 2009
Auwerx1 organ weights
with high-fat diet
Skeletal muscle, soleus muscle, heart, kidney, liver, various fat pads. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Auwerx2 organ weights
with high-fat diet
Cecum, muscles, heart, heart-atria, kidney, liver, spleen, fat pads. inbred w/CC8 both 8-21 wks 2021
Brockmann1 study archive Body, organ weights, litter size, abdominal fat, lipids, insulin, leptin. QTL population both 3-6wks 2009
Chesler2 organ weights Heart, kidney weights. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 organ weights Heart, brain, kidney, spleen, gonadal fat pads, testicle weights. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 organ dimensions Kidney length and volume. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Cheverud1 organ weights
with high-fat diet
Heart, liver, kidney, spleen weights after high-fat diet (17wks) vs. control. LGXSM w/par   (19) both 12-16wks 2004
Cowell1 in vitro assay
with Staphylococcus aureus
Bacterial load after infection with Staphylococcus aureus. Kidney and peritoneal fluid. In vitro assay. inbred   (13) f 8wks 2012
Deschepper1 organ weights Heart, kidney, thymus, adrena weights. inbred   (13) both 10wks 2004
Feng1 study archive Blood pressure (tail cuff), kidney weight, body weight. QTL population m 8wks 2009
Graham1 RNA expression profiling
with West Nile virus
Viral load and expression of Ifnb1 and Ifit1 in brain, kidney and spleen. CC RIX   (5) m 8-10wks 2015
Gros1 in vitro assay
with Candida albicans
Susceptibility to infection with Candida albicans. inbred   (36) f 8-12wks 2011
Guay-Woodford1 study archive Kidney morphology, renal cystic disease severity. QTL population f 2wks 2000
Gupta1 organ weights Kidney weight of newborns. inbred   (8) both postnatal 2011
Gupta1 organ dimensions Kidney morphology of newborns. Planar surface area. inbred   (8) both postnatal 2011
Gupta1 renal function assay Vesico-ureteric reflux in newborns. Kidney function. inbred   (8) both postnatal 2011
Gupta2 organ weights Kidney weight of newborns. BXH   (10) both postnatal 2011
Gupta2 organ dimensions Kidney morphology of newborns. Planar surface area. BXH   (10) both postnatal 2011
Gupta2 renal function assay Vesico-ureteric reflux in newborns. Kidney function. BXH   (10) both postnatal 2011
Harrill2 organ weights
with DB289
Kidney and liver weights. DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Harrill2 drug and metabolite quantification
with DB289
Kidney metabolite (DB75) concentration. DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Hillebrands1 histopathology Kidney pathology at 20mo. inbred   (23) both 87wks 2014
Jaxpheno2 organ weights Brain, heart, kidney, liver, spleen weights. inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Korstanje2 histopathology Kidney pathology. Aging study, 6mo, 12mo, 20mo. inbred   (29) m 52, 78, 104 wks 2013
Mrug1 study archive Kidney morphology. QTL population both 1-2wks 2005
Reed1 organ weights Heart, kidney weights. inbred   (28) m 8, 12 wks 2009
Reed2 organ weights Brain, heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, spleen weights. B6.129 and 129.B6 consomic w/par   (9) both 26wks 2015
Rusyn6 organ weights
with trichloroethylene
Liver, kidney weights. Trichloroethylene-exposed vs. control. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Rusyn6 drug and metabolite quantification
with trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene metabolite in blood, liver, kidney after trichloroethylene exposure. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Rusyn6 RNA expression profiling
with trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene effect on mRNA gene expression in liver and kidney, relative to controls. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Rusyn6 histopathology
with trichloroethylene
Kidney histopathology evaluation after trichloroethylene exposure, relative to controls. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Schoonjans1 organ weights
with high-fat diet
Liver, spleen, kidney, fat pads, muscles, cecum. BXD w/par   (36) m 8-29 wks 2022
Shorter8 organ weights Male reproductive organ weights. Testes, seminal vesicles, epididymis + vas deferens. DO population m 12-15wks 2020
Svenson7 body weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body weight from 3-30 wks of age. Principal components. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020