Project measures / variables set:   Thomsen1   activ_cocaine1

ID, description, units MPD:40701   activ_cocaine1   total activity, test 1, 3h test   [n]  
cocaine study
• baseline    • dose mg/kg i.p.:    • 3    • 10    • 18    • 32    • 56
Data set, strains Thomsen1   inbred   15 strains     sex: both     age: 8-10wks
Procedure open field test
Comparisonrepeated measures, baseline then treated multiple doses, same cohort
Ontology mappings

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Thomsen1 - total activity, test 1, 3h test


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
between   sex 1 32045417.2296 32045417.2296 1.9355 0.1657
between   strain 14 8140108168.5364 581436297.7526 35.1173 < 0.0001
between   sex:strain 14 479106079.6154 34221862.8297 2.0669 0.0151
between   Residuals 196 3245169963.2321 16556989.6083
within   dose 5 1406071506.8289 281214301.3658 106.5444 < 0.0001
within   dose:sex 5 18595789.2005 3719157.8401 1.4091 0.2183
within   dose:strain 70 772634369.3456 11037633.8478 4.1819 < 0.0001
within   dose:sex:strain 70 352407852.738 5034397.8963 1.9074 < 0.0001
within   Residuals 980 2586622294.5536 2639410.5046

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
Thomsen1 40701 open field test cocaine total activity, test 1, 3h test   [n]   baseline  activ_cocaine1_0 inbred 15 both 8-10wks
Thomsen1 40702 open field test cocaine total activity, test 1, 3h test   [n]   dose 3 mg/kg  activ_cocaine1_3 inbred 15 both 8-10wks
Thomsen1 40703 open field test cocaine total activity, test 1, 3h test   [n]   dose 10 mg/kg  activ_cocaine1_10 inbred 15 both 8-10wks
Thomsen1 40704 open field test cocaine total activity, test 1, 3h test   [n]   dose 18 mg/kg  activ_cocaine1_18 inbred 15 both 8-10wks
Thomsen1 40705 open field test cocaine total activity, test 1, 3h test   [n]   dose 32 mg/kg  activ_cocaine1_32 inbred 15 both 8-10wks
Thomsen1 40706 open field test cocaine total activity, test 1, 3h test   [n]   dose 56 mg/kg  activ_cocaine1_56 inbred 15 both 8-10wks