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Project measure / variable:   Shorter4   sperm_adj

ID, description, units MPD:110105   sperm_adj   sperm count per mg testis weight (x 103)   [n/mg]  
Data set, strains Shorter4   CC   12 strains     sex: m     age: 15-33wks
Procedure sperm count
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Shorter4 - sperm count per mg testis weight (x 103)

Measure Summary Male
Number of strains tested12 strains
Mean of the strain means127.4   n/mg
Median of the strain means126.8   n/mg
SD of the strain means± 56.04
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.4398
Min–max range of strain means67.28   –   251.9   n/mg
Mean sample size per strain3.3   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
strain 11 98011.1949 8910.1086 2.1454 0.0506
Residuals 28 116286.3969 4153.0856

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
CC001/Unc m 89.04 59.8   4 29.902 0.6716 39.51, 171.1 -0.69
CC002/Unc m 67.28 48.906   4 24.453 0.7269 12.02, 126.1 -1.07
CC003/Unc m 185.2 65.79   3 37.985 0.3552 114.1, 243.9 1.03
CC008/GeniUnc m 127.9 39.457   2   27.9 0.3085 100.0, 155.8 0.01
CC010/GeniUnc m 129.3 103.3   4 51.66 0.7988 8.65, 222.4 0.03
CC011/Unc m 74.72 41.065   3 23.709 0.5496 44.63, 121.5 -0.94
CC013/GeniUnc m 68.87 84.9   2   60.03 1.2327 8.84, 128.9 -1.05
CC018/Unc m 144.8 54.42   3 31.42 0.3758 87.44, 195.7 0.31
CC021/Unc m 177.3 67.0   7 25.322 0.3779 79.61, 264.0 0.89
CC034/Unc m 125.8 59.53   4 29.764 0.4733 54.97, 200.0 -0.03
CC053/Unc m 87.12 45.644   2   32.275 0.5239 54.85, 119.4 -0.72
CC065/Unc m 251.9 0.56569   2   0.4 0.0022 251.5, 252.3 2.22

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
CC001/Unc m 89.0425 32.2222190585 155.0467236439 23.0382763561
CC002/Unc m 67.2775 32.2222190585 133.2817236439 1.2732763561
CC003/Unc m 185.2333333333 37.2070136946 261.4484459102 109.0182207565
CC008/GeniUnc m 127.9 45.5690992023 221.2440682511 34.5559317489
CC010/GeniUnc m 129.335 32.2222190585 195.3392236439 63.3307763561
CC011/Unc m 74.7166666667 37.2070136946 150.9317792435 -1.4984459102
CC013/GeniUnc m 68.87 45.5690992023 162.2140682511 -24.4740682511
CC018/Unc m 144.8133333333 37.2070136946 221.0284459102 68.5982207565
CC021/Unc m 177.2871428571 24.3577080912 227.181646069 127.3926396453
CC034/Unc m 125.7675 32.2222190585 191.7717236439 59.7632763561
CC053/Unc m 87.125 45.5690992023 180.4690682511 -6.2190682511
CC065/Unc m 251.9 45.5690992023 345.2440682511 158.5559317489

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA