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All studies involving PreCCF4179/Ornl

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Data set Procedure What's in this data set Panel Sex Age (weeks) Year
Chesler3 behavior observation Wildness scoring. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 body size and weight Body weight, tail length. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 bone dimensions Femur. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 colony observation Reproduction, fecundity. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 complete blood count Hematology. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 fat pad weights Gonadal fat pad weights. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 light-dark box Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 10 min test. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 metabolic panel Clinical blood chemistry. 16h fast. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 monitoring system Sleep patterns. Dark period, total, peak activity. Baseline and after sleep deprivation. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 nociception assay Hot plate and pressure on tail. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 open field test Locomotor activity, exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 organ dimensions Kidney length and volume. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Chesler3 organ weights Heart, brain, kidney, spleen, gonadal fat pads, testicle weights. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Svenson7 body size and weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body length at 12 and 21 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 body weight
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body weight from 3-30 wks of age. Principal components. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 complete blood count
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Hematology at 10 and 22 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 DXA
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Body mass, lean mass, fat mass, bone mineral density at 12 and 21 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 ECG
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Heart rate and wave intervals at 13 wks. Conscious. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 glucose tolerance
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
0-180 min after 20% glucose i.p. at 23-24 wks of age. 15h fast. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 lipid profile
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Cholesterol, fatty acids, triglyceride at 8 and 19 wks of age. 4h fast. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 metabolic panel
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Clinical chemistry at 8 and 19 wks of age. 4h fast. Clinical chemistry at 17 wks of age. No fast. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 MRI
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Lean and fat tissue mass, water mass at 16 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 organ weights
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Heart, kidney, spleen at 26-30 wks. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020
Svenson7 urinalysis
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Glucose, creatinine, microalbumin, albumin-creatinine ratio at 11 and 20 wks of age. DO population both 3-30 wks 2020