Project1046 animal documentation

Morphine Respiratory Depression Strain Survery (with dosage)   (None)

Bubier JA, Chesler EJ, Philip VM, Vasquezi C, Blair RH, Gagnon L, Narayanan A, Fisher H

Animal Documentation

Age (wks): 8-24 wks

Test Facility: The Jackson Laboratory G3B

Feed: Sterilized 6% fat 5K52 chow, ad libitum (Lab Diet/PMI Nutrition, St. Lousi MO)

Water: Acidified (pH2.5-3) with vitamin K, ad libitum

Bedding: Pine Shavings

Cage Type, Distributor, Material, Size: Plastic duplex pressurized individually vented Thoren cage #3 (30.80 x 30.80 x 15.5 cm). The ventilated cage providing a minimum of 60 air changes per hour with each cage.

Husbandry: Bedding and water changed weekly

Cage Density: 1-5

Cage Enrichment: Nestlet and shepard shack

Temperature (°C): 18-23

Humidity (%): 40-60%

Light / Dark Cycle: 12:12h

Health Status and Monitoring: Intermediate Barrier, sentines tested quarterly.

Care and Use Statement: All animal protocols were reviewed and approved by The Jackson Laboratory Institutional Anicmal Care Committee.