Acclimation & testing periods
VendorMice were housed in JAX® production rooms AgesMice were tested from 3-16 wks of age FeedAll strains maintained on a 6% fat diet (5K0Q, LabDiet, St. Louis MO) from age of weaning, ad libitum WaterProvided ad libitum HousingMice were housed at densities of up to 20 animals per cage in individually ventilated or static Thoren #2 weaning cages (Thoren Caging Systems, Inc., Hazelton PA) Room temperature20-22°C BeddingAutoclaved aspen chips and shavings Relative humidity45% +/- 10% Photoperiod14h on:10h off Health statusThe Jackson Laboratory Diagnostics Laboratory routinely monitors and documents animal health status using statistically valid sampling procedures and standard protocols. (Sentinel animals are tested). Detailed health status reports for each animal room represented from this project are on file and available upon request.