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Crabbe1 supplemental data

Drug study: Evaluation of ethanol sensitivity and intoxication using motor incoordination in the balance beam and grid test, in 8 inbred strains of mice   (2003)

Crabbe JC, Wahlsten D
With: Metten P, Yu C-H, Schlumbohm JP, Cameron AJ

Click here to download the Crabbe1 supplemental data file

This supplemental data file (Excel format) contains the following supplemental measurements:

Short nameDescriptionUnits
bwbody weightg

Dose of ethanol (EtOH)
dosedose of ethanol receivedg/kg

Balance beam
bal_drag_12hindlimb dragging on 12.7 mm balance beam (mice exhibing this behavior were excluded from misstep counts; '??' code was used instead of score)score 1=behavior present, 0=behavior absent
bal_hang_12falling or hanging on 12.7 mm beam by front limbs (mice exhibiting this behavior were placed back on beam in s ame location and allowed to finish trial)score 1=behavior present, 0=behavior absent
bal_miss_12missteps crossing 12.7 mm balance beamn
bal_cmiss_12missteps for 12.7 mm balance beam corrected by subtracting strain mean missteps of the saline groupn
bal_drag_15hindlimb dragging on 15.8 mm balance beam (mice exhibing this behavior were excluded from misstep counts; '??' code was used instead of score)
bal_hang_15falling or hanging on 15.8 mm beam by front limbs (mice exhibiting this behavior were placed back on beam in same location and allowed to finish trial)score 1=behavior present, 0=behavior absent
bal_miss_15missteps crossing 15.8 mm balance beamn
bal_cmiss_15missteps for 15.8 mm balance beam corrected by subtracting strain mean missteps of the saline groupn
bal_drag_19hindlimb dragging on 19.0 mm balance beam (mice exhibing this behavior were excluded from misstep counts; '??' code was used instead of score)
bal_hang_19falling or hanging on 19.0 mm beam by front limbs (mice exhibiting this behavior were placed back on beam in same location and allowed to finish trial)score 1=behavior present, 0=behavior absent
bal_miss_19missteps crossing 19.0 mm balance beamn
bal_cmiss_19missteps for 19.0 mm balance beam corrected by subtracting the strain mean missteps of saline groupn

Grid test
grid_d1_distday 1 (grid habituation) total distance traveled over 15 min, saline injectioncm
grid_d1_errday 1 (grid habituation) misstep errors per cm, saline injectionn/cm
grid_d2_distday 2 (grid habituation) total distance traveled over 15 min, saline injectioncm
grid_d2_errday 2 (grid habituation) misstep errors per cm, saline injectionn/cm
grid_d3_distday 3 (grid habituation) total distance traveled over 15 min, saline injectioncm
grid_d3_errday 3 (grid habituation) misstep errors per cm, saline injectionn/cm
grid_d4.1_distday 4 distance traveled over first 5 of 15 min, ethanol injectioncm
grid_d4.2_distday 4 distance traveled over second 5 of 15 min, ethanol injectioncm
grid_d4.3_distday 4 distance traveled over third 5 of 15 min, ethanol injectioncm
grid_d4_distday 4 total distance traveled over 15 min, ethanol injectioncm
grid_d4.1_errday 4 misstep errors per cm over first 5 of 15 min, ethanol injectionn/cm
grid_d4.2_errday 4 misstep errors per cm over second 5 of 15 min, ethanol injectionn/cm
grid_d4.3_errday 4 misstep errors per cm over third 5 of 15 min, ethanol injectionn/cm
grid_d4_errday 4 misstep errors per cm over the total 15 min, ethanol injectionn/cm