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      • metencephalon morphology trait

    • cerebellum morphology trait   VT:0000849   (0)
    Definition: Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color, or pattern of the part of the metencephalon that lies in the posterior cranial fossa dorsal to the pons and medulla that is concerned with the coordination of movement and learning of motor skills. [ISBN:0838580343, MP:0000849];
      (No descendants that are mapped to MPD data)

    MP:0000849 (abnormal cerebellum morphology) is numbered similarly to VT:0000849 but is over in the MP ontology (semantics may or may not be similar).

    • To list mapped measures click on the counts in parentheses.
    • Counts are "number of measure mappings" and aren't necessarily the count of distinct measures.
    • Terms ending in "_" are terminal (leaf) nodes in the ontology structure.
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