Studies associated with ontology term
VT:0010637   'energy metabolism trait'
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Age (weeks)
Bennett4 monitoring system O2 consumption, CO2 production, RER, heat expenditure, activity. both 8-20wks 2021
Bennett4 intake monitoring Food intake; energy intake; protein, carbohydrate, fat intake. both 8-20wks 2021
Bodnar1 intake monitoring
with sucrose
Food, caloric, water intake. Baseline and with sucrose (several concentrations). 24h test. inbred   (12) m 13-17wks 2006
Mathes1 intake monitoring
with exercise
Caloric intake. Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). Metabolism, food intake. CC pre w/par   (184) m 10-12wks 2011
Seburn1 intake monitoring Food, caloric, and water intake. Daily. inbred   (16) both 7-9wks 2001