Studies associated with ontology term
VT:0000556   'hindlimb morphology trait'
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Data set Procedure What's in this data set Panel Sex Age (weeks) Year
Auwerx1 organ weights
with high-fat diet
Skeletal muscle, soleus muscle, heart, kidney, liver, various fat pads. BXD w/par   (57) m 8-29 wks 2016
Beamer1 study archive Bone volume. QTL population f 20wks 1999
Beamer2 study archive Bone morphology and strength, insulin-like growth factor 1. QTL population f 16wks 2001
Brockmann1 study archive Body, organ weights, litter size, abdominal fat, lipids, insulin, leptin. QTL population both 3-6wks 2009
Burke1 study archive Femur and vertebra morphology and strength. Monthly body weight 3 - 13 months. QTL population f 14-56wks 2012
Chesler3 bone dimensions Femur. CC pre w/par   (367) both 7-15wks 2011
Churchill1 muscle weights Quadriceps muscle. F1 8way   (63) both 7-8wks 2004
Donahue2 muscle weights Quadriceps muscle. inbred   (10) both 16wks 2004
Donahue2 bone dimensions Femur. inbred   (10) both 16wks 2004
Donahue2 computed tomography Bone morphology (femur). inbred   (10) both 16wks 2004
GMC21 bone dimensions Tibia bone length. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 20-21wks 2020
JaxKOMP-EAP observation (SHIRPA) Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-EAP X-ray Counts of vertebrae, ribs, digits, and other categorical parameters. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
JaxKOMP-LAP observation (SHIRPA) Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). KOMP both 66-81wks 2021
Levy1 computed tomography Bone microarchitecture, morphology (femur). CC pre   (31) both 8-14wks 2015
Lionikas1 microscopy
with exercise
Muscle fibers. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 muscle weights
with exercise
Various muscles. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Lionikas1 bone dimensions
with exercise
Femur length. Exercised (swim endurance training regimen) vs. control at weekly intervals for 5wks. inbred   (6) m 11-14wks 2012
Schoonjans1 organ weights
with high-fat diet
Liver, spleen, kidney, fat pads, muscles, cecum. BXD w/par   (36) m 8-29 wks 2022
Shorter2 bone dimensions
with various diets
Femur length. Diets vs controls. DO population both 12-15wks, 24-25wks 2018
Wergedal1 study archive Bone mineral density, thickness, strength. QTL population f 10wks 2006