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Project measure / variable:   Schughart3   pctbwA_d3

ID, description, units MPD:57113   pctbwA_d3   body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group   [%]  post-infection day 3  
influenza A (H3N2) virus study
Data set, strains Schughart3   inbred w/CC8   8 strains     sex: both     age: 7-13wks
Procedure body weight
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Schughart3 - body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group post-infection day 3

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested8 strains8 strains
Mean of the strain means92.8   % 95.4   %
Median of the strain means92.1   % 95.2   %
SD of the strain means± 2.45 ± 2.60
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.0264 0.0272
Min–max range of strain means90.3   –   97.2   % 91.6   –   98.6   %
Mean sample size per strain10.5   mice 10.2   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 340.3613 340.3613 25.5826 < 0.0001
strain 7 857.9299 122.5614 9.2121 < 0.0001
sex:strain 7 83.9917 11.9988 0.9019 0.5068
Residuals 150 1995.6602 13.3044

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
129S1/SvImJ f 92.4 5.18   9 1.73 0.0561 87.0, 102.0 -0.17
129S1/SvImJ m 96.1 2.91   11 0.878 0.0303 91.3, 101.0 0.26
A/J f 91.7 4.0   10 1.26 0.0436 84.2, 96.0 -0.46
A/J m 92.9 2.42   10 0.764 0.026 88.5, 96.7 -0.97
C57BL/6J f 93.2 4.78   11 1.44 0.0514 86.1, 99.1 0.15
C57BL/6J m 97.4 3.3   10 1.04 0.0338 92.6, 102.0 0.76
CAST/EiJ f 90.7 2.94   10 0.93 0.0324 85.8, 93.9 -0.87
CAST/EiJ m 94.3 2.86   7 1.08 0.0303 91.4, 98.9 -0.43
NOD/ShiLtJ f 97.2 2.86   10 0.906 0.0295 93.5, 102.0 1.79
NOD/ShiLtJ m 98.6 2.44   15 0.63 0.0247 94.0, 104.0 1.22
NZO/HlLtJ f 95.7 3.0   10 0.948 0.0313 89.3, 98.6 1.17
NZO/HlLtJ m 98.4 3.74   9 1.25 0.038 94.1, 104.0 1.14
PWK/PhJ f 91.4 3.71   12 1.07 0.0406 86.5, 97.2 -0.58
PWK/PhJ m 91.6 5.37   10 1.7 0.0586 83.6, 101.0 -1.47
WSB/EiJ f 90.3 4.44   12 1.28 0.0492 84.5, 97.2 -1.03
WSB/EiJ m 94.1 2.75   10 0.87 0.0292 89.5, 97.4 -0.51

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ f 92.4489 1.2158 94.8513 90.0465
129S1/SvImJ m 96.0518 1.0998 98.2249 93.8788
A/J f 91.666 1.1534 93.9451 89.3869
A/J m 92.85 1.1534 95.1291 90.5709
C57BL/6J f 93.1755 1.0998 95.3485 91.0024
C57BL/6J m 97.396 1.1534 99.6751 95.1169
CAST/EiJ f 90.731 1.1534 93.0101 88.4519
CAST/EiJ m 94.3114 1.3786 97.0355 91.5874
NOD/ShiLtJ f 97.218 1.1534 99.4971 94.9389
NOD/ShiLtJ m 98.556 0.9418 100.4169 96.6951
NZO/HlLtJ f 95.676 1.1534 97.9551 93.3969
NZO/HlLtJ m 98.3556 1.2158 100.7579 95.9532
PWK/PhJ f 91.4383 1.0529 93.5189 89.3578
PWK/PhJ m 91.567 1.1534 93.8461 89.2879
WSB/EiJ f 90.2533 1.0529 92.3339 88.1728
WSB/EiJ m 94.113 1.1534 96.3921 91.8339

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ both 94.2504 0.8197 95.87 92.6307
A/J both 92.258 0.8156 93.8696 90.6464
C57BL/6J both 95.2857 0.7969 96.8602 93.7112
CAST/EiJ both 92.5212 0.8988 94.2971 90.7454
NOD/ShiLtJ both 97.887 0.7445 99.3582 96.4158
NZO/HlLtJ both 97.0158 0.838 98.6715 95.36
PWK/PhJ both 91.5027 0.7809 93.0456 89.9597
WSB/EiJ both 92.1832 0.7809 93.7261 90.6402