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Project measure / variable:   Harrill2   bw_end_trt

ID, description, units MPD:44104   bw_end_trt   body weight at end of testing   [g]  DB289  
DB289 study
Data set, strains Harrill2   inbred   34 strains     sex: f     age: 6-8wks
Procedure body weight
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Harrill2 - body weight at end of testing DB289

Measure Summary Female
Number of strains tested34 strains
Mean of the strain means16.6   g
Median of the strain means15.8   g
SD of the strain means± 4.23
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.254
Min–max range of strain means9.38   –   28.5   g
Mean sample size per strain4.9   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
strain 33 2937.2158 89.0065 48.6871 < 0.0001
Residuals 133 243.142 1.8281

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
129S1/SvImJ f 16.4 1.19   5 0.531 0.0725 14.3, 17.2 -0.06
A/J f 15.9 1.02   5 0.456 0.0642 14.8, 17.0 -0.18
AKR/J f 15.9 1.72   5 0.767 0.108 13.7, 18.1 -0.18
BALB/cByJ f 16.1 0.536   5 0.24 0.0332 15.3, 16.6 -0.13
BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J f 22.3 0.873   5 0.391 0.0392 21.1, 23.5 1.34
BUB/BnJ f 17.6 0.991   5 0.443 0.0564 16.2, 19.0 0.23
C3H/HeJ f 15.7 1.5   5 0.673 0.0959 14.1, 17.3 -0.22
C57BL/6J f 14.9 0.705   5 0.315 0.0473 13.7, 15.5 -0.41
C57BLKS/J f 15.1 0.719   5 0.321 0.0477 13.9, 15.8 -0.37
C57BR/cdJ f 15.1 1.41   4 0.707 0.0937 13.5, 16.9 -0.37
C58/J f 14.8 0.695   4 0.347 0.0469 14.0, 15.7 -0.44
CBA/J f 16.2 0.378   5 0.169 0.0233 15.9, 16.7 -0.11
CE/J f 13.7 2.1   5 0.941 0.154 11.6, 16.7 -0.7
DBA/2J f 17.0 1.03   5 0.46 0.0605 15.6, 18.5 0.08
FVB/NJ f 18.5 1.09   5 0.488 0.059 17.6, 20.4 0.44
I/LnJ f 14.3 0.694   5 0.31 0.0485 13.5, 15.1 -0.55
KK/HlJ f 24.5 2.15   5 0.961 0.0878 22.2, 26.7 1.86
LG/J f 28.4 2.93   5 1.31 0.103 23.5, 30.9 2.78
LP/J f 12.8 0.669   5 0.299 0.0524 11.9, 13.6 -0.91
MA/MyJ f 15.9 1.74   5 0.777 0.109 13.9, 18.7 -0.18
MRL/MpJ f 28.5 3.26   5 1.46 0.114 23.1, 31.5 2.8
NOD/ShiLtJ f 15.3 1.16   5 0.517 0.0755 13.8, 16.8 -0.32
NON/ShiLtJ f 20.5 1.82   5 0.812 0.0885 19.0, 23.3 0.91
NOR/LtJ f 15.6 0.75   5 0.336 0.0482 14.4, 16.5 -0.25
NZW/LacJ f 20.8 0.604   5 0.27 0.029 20.2, 21.5 0.98
P/J f 17.6 0.864   5 0.386 0.049 16.6, 18.9 0.23
PL/J f 12.5 0.771   5 0.345 0.0617 11.5, 13.5 -0.98
PWK/PhJ f 11.2 1.04   5 0.467 0.0932 10.2, 12.9 -1.29
RIIIS/J f 15.1 1.6   5 0.717 0.106 13.1, 17.1 -0.37
SEA/GnJ f 15.7 0.79   5 0.353 0.0503 14.7, 16.6 -0.22
SJL/J f 16.8 1.02   5 0.455 0.0607 15.7, 18.0 0.04
SM/J f 11.5 0.838   5 0.375 0.0727 10.5, 12.3 -1.22
SWR/J f 14.4 0.408   4 0.204 0.0284 14.0, 14.8 -0.53
WSB/EiJ f 9.38 0.769   5 0.344 0.082 8.6, 10.6 -1.72

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ f 16.36 0.6047 17.556 15.164
A/J f 15.86 0.6047 17.056 14.664
AKR/J f 15.86 0.6047 17.056 14.664
BALB/cByJ f 16.12 0.6047 17.316 14.924
BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J f 22.26 0.6047 23.456 21.064
BUB/BnJ f 17.58 0.6047 18.776 16.384
C3H/HeJ f 15.68 0.6047 16.876 14.484
C57BL/6J f 14.92 0.6047 16.116 13.724
C57BLKS/J f 15.056 0.6047 16.252 13.86
C57BR/cdJ f 15.1 0.676 16.4372 13.7628
C58/J f 14.825 0.676 16.1622 13.4878
CBA/J f 16.24 0.6047 17.436 15.044
CE/J f 13.66 0.6047 14.856 12.464
DBA/2J f 16.98 0.6047 18.176 15.784
FVB/NJ f 18.52 0.6047 19.716 17.324
I/LnJ f 14.32 0.6047 15.516 13.124
KK/HlJ f 24.486 0.6047 25.682 23.29
LG/J f 28.404 0.6047 29.6 27.208
LP/J f 12.78 0.6047 13.976 11.584
MA/MyJ f 15.944 0.6047 17.14 14.748
MRL/MpJ f 28.462 0.6047 29.658 27.266
NOD/ShiLtJ f 15.32 0.6047 16.516 14.124
NON/ShiLtJ f 20.534 0.6047 21.73 19.338
NOR/LtJ f 15.56 0.6047 16.756 14.364
NZW/LacJ f 20.8 0.6047 21.996 19.604
P/J f 17.614 0.6047 18.81 16.418
PL/J f 12.5 0.6047 13.696 11.304
PWK/PhJ f 11.2 0.6047 12.396 10.004
RIIIS/J f 15.07 0.6047 16.266 13.874
SEA/GnJ f 15.702 0.6047 16.898 14.506
SJL/J f 16.78 0.6047 17.976 15.584
SM/J f 11.52 0.6047 12.716 10.324
SWR/J f 14.4 0.676 15.7372 13.0628
WSB/EiJ f 9.38 0.6047 10.576 8.184