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Project measure / variable:   Donahue11   litter_size_birth

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Donahue11 - mean number of pups born

Measure Summary Female
Number of strains tested26 strains
Mean of the strain means5.01   n
Median of the strain means5.00   n
SD of the strain means± 1.09
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.218
Min–max range of strain means2.78   –   7.65   n
Mean sample size per strain11.3   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
strain 25 294.9195 11.7968 7.4722 < 0.0001
Residuals 268 423.1093 1.5788

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
B6.PWD-Chr1 f 5.6 1.38   12 0.397 0.246 4.0, 9.0 0.54
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 f 3.98 1.38   15 0.356 0.346 1.0, 6.3 -0.94
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 f 7.65 1.91   2   1.35 0.25 6.3, 9.0 2.42
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 f 5.52 0.964   21 0.21 0.175 3.6, 7.7 0.47
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 f 5.42 0.658   8 0.233 0.121 4.3, 6.5 0.38
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 f 4.89 1.07   7 0.406 0.22 4.0, 6.7 -0.11
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 f 4.51 1.23   7 0.466 0.273 3.0, 6.6 -0.45
B6.PWD-Chr12 f 6.43 1.02   10 0.322 0.158 5.2, 7.7 1.31
B6.PWD-Chr13 f 2.91 1.02   9 0.338 0.349 1.7, 4.7 -1.92
B6.PWD-Chr14 f 5.71 1.27   8 0.449 0.222 3.8, 8.0 0.65
B6.PWD-Chr15 f 4.93 0.903   10 0.286 0.183 3.9, 6.5 -0.07
B6.PWD-Chr16 f 6.38 1.27   6 0.519 0.199 4.1, 7.8 1.26
B6.PWD-Chr17 f 5.31 1.41   9 0.472 0.266 4.0, 7.3 0.28
B6.PWD-Chr18 f 4.81 1.48   14 0.396 0.308 2.0, 7.3 -0.18
B6.PWD-Chr19 f 5.65 1.13   16 0.283 0.2 3.0, 7.3 0.59
B6.PWD-Chr2 f 4.58 1.27   9 0.422 0.276 3.0, 6.4 -0.39
B6.PWD-Chr3 f 4.75 1.26   8 0.444 0.264 2.3, 6.5 -0.23
B6.PWD-Chr4 f 2.78 1.36   15 0.35 0.488 1.0, 5.6 -2.04
B6.PWD-Chr5 f 5.08 1.88   12 0.544 0.37 2.0, 9.0 0.07
B6.PWD-Chr6 f 4.81 0.788   8 0.279 0.164 3.8, 6.0 -0.18
B6.PWD-Chr8 f 3.36 1.17   19 0.268 0.347 1.7, 6.0 -1.51
B6.PWD-Chr9 f 3.81 0.921   7 0.348 0.241 2.3, 5.1 -1.1
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 f 5.57 1.1   11 0.331 0.197 4.0, 7.3 0.52
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 f 4.42 1.23   18 0.29 0.279 2.0, 6.5 -0.54
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 f 5.17 1.09   13 0.301 0.21 2.8, 6.7 0.15
B6.PWD-ChrY f 6.12 1.65   20 0.37 0.27 2.0, 9.0 1.02

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
B6.PWD-Chr1 f 5.6 0.3627 6.3141 4.8859
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 f 3.98 0.3244 4.6187 3.3413
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 f 7.65 0.8885 9.3993 5.9007
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 f 5.5238 0.2742 6.0636 4.984
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 f 5.425 0.4442 6.2996 4.5504
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 f 4.8857 0.4749 5.8207 3.9507
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 f 4.5143 0.4749 5.4493 3.5793
B6.PWD-Chr12 f 6.43 0.3973 7.2123 5.6477
B6.PWD-Chr13 f 2.9111 0.4188 3.7357 2.0865
B6.PWD-Chr14 f 5.7125 0.4442 6.5871 4.8379
B6.PWD-Chr15 f 4.93 0.3973 5.7123 4.1477
B6.PWD-Chr16 f 6.3833 0.513 7.3933 5.3734
B6.PWD-Chr17 f 5.3111 0.4188 6.1357 4.4865
B6.PWD-Chr18 f 4.8071 0.3358 5.4683 4.146
B6.PWD-Chr19 f 5.65 0.3141 6.2685 5.0315
B6.PWD-Chr2 f 4.5778 0.4188 5.4024 3.7532
B6.PWD-Chr3 f 4.75 0.4442 5.6246 3.8754
B6.PWD-Chr4 f 2.78 0.3244 3.4187 2.1413
B6.PWD-Chr5 f 5.0833 0.3627 5.7975 4.3692
B6.PWD-Chr6 f 4.8125 0.4442 5.6871 3.9379
B6.PWD-Chr8 f 3.3632 0.2883 3.9307 2.7956
B6.PWD-Chr9 f 3.8143 0.4749 4.7493 2.8793
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 f 5.5727 0.3788 6.3186 4.8268
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 f 4.4222 0.2962 5.0053 3.8391
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 f 5.1692 0.3485 5.8554 4.4831
B6.PWD-ChrY f 6.115 0.281 6.6682 5.5618

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA