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Project measure / variable:   Svenson3   pctBASO

ID, description, units MPD:27307   pctBASO   basophil differential (BASO; percentage of total WBC)   [%]  
Data set, strains Svenson3   B6.PWD consomic w/par   27 strains     sex: both     age: 7wks
Procedure complete blood count
Ontology mappings

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Svenson3 - basophil differential (BASO; percentage of total WBC)

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested27 strains26 strains
Mean of the strain means0.447   % 0.459   %
Median of the strain means0.330   % 0.278   %
SD of the strain means± 0.283 ± 0.389
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.634 0.846
Min–max range of strain means0.200   –   1.32   % 0.100   –   1.98   %
Mean sample size per strain7.8   mice 7.9   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 0.0157 0.0157 0.1773 0.674
strain 25 42.1044 1.6842 18.9868 < 0.0001
sex:strain 25 4.7704 0.1908 2.1512 0.0013
Residuals 358 31.7555 0.0887

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
B6.PWD-Chr1 f 0.212 0.0641   8 0.0227 0.302 0.1, 0.3 -0.83
B6.PWD-Chr1 m 0.22 0.103   10 0.0327 0.469 0.1, 0.4 -0.62
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 f 0.408 0.168   12 0.0484 0.411 0.3, 0.8 -0.14
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 m 0.267 0.0816   6 0.0333 0.306 0.2, 0.4 -0.49
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 f 0.433 0.153   3 0.0882 0.353 0.3, 0.6 -0.05
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 f 0.289 0.176   9 0.0588 0.611 0.1, 0.6 -0.56
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 m 0.225 0.0886   8 0.0313 0.394 0.1, 0.3 -0.6
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 f 1.23 0.515   9 0.172 0.417 0.7, 2.4 2.76
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 m 0.825 0.311   8 0.11 0.376 0.4, 1.3 0.94
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 f 0.85 0.583   8 0.206 0.686 0.2, 2.1 1.42
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 m 0.675 0.433   8 0.153 0.642 0.2, 1.5 0.56
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 f 1.32 1.06   8 0.376 0.803 0.4, 3.7 3.08
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 m 1.98 0.875   8 0.309 0.443 1.0, 3.2 3.91
B6.PWD-Chr12 f 0.225 0.104   8 0.0366 0.46 0.1, 0.4 -0.78
B6.PWD-Chr12 m 0.2 0.0535   8 0.0189 0.267 0.1, 0.3 -0.67
B6.PWD-Chr13 f 0.25 0.0926   8 0.0327 0.37 0.1, 0.4 -0.69
B6.PWD-Chr13 m 0.267 0.0707   9 0.0236 0.265 0.2, 0.4 -0.49
B6.PWD-Chr14 f 0.25 0.131   8 0.0463 0.524 0.1, 0.5 -0.69
B6.PWD-Chr14 m 0.263 0.106   8 0.0375 0.404 0.1, 0.4 -0.51
B6.PWD-Chr15 f 0.312 0.155   8 0.0549 0.497 0.1, 0.6 -0.48
B6.PWD-Chr15 m 0.25 0.0535   8 0.0189 0.214 0.2, 0.3 -0.54
B6.PWD-Chr16 f 0.337 0.0744   8 0.0263 0.22 0.2, 0.4 -0.39
B6.PWD-Chr16 m 0.238 0.0518   8 0.0183 0.218 0.2, 0.3 -0.57
B6.PWD-Chr17 f 0.488 0.203   8 0.0718 0.417 0.2, 0.8 0.15
B6.PWD-Chr17 m 0.463 0.32   8 0.113 0.693 0.2, 1.1 0.01
B6.PWD-Chr18 f 0.58 0.74   5 0.331 1.28 0.2, 1.9 0.47
B6.PWD-Chr18 m 0.311 0.237   9 0.079 0.761 0.1, 0.9 -0.38
B6.PWD-Chr19 f 0.329 0.269   7 0.102 0.819 0.1, 0.9 -0.42
B6.PWD-Chr19 m 0.238 0.0518   8 0.0183 0.218 0.2, 0.3 -0.57
B6.PWD-Chr2 f 0.656 0.24   9 0.0801 0.367 0.3, 1.1 0.74
B6.PWD-Chr2 m 0.622 0.319   9 0.106 0.513 0.3, 1.2 0.42
B6.PWD-Chr3 f 0.25 0.0756   8 0.0267 0.302 0.2, 0.4 -0.69
B6.PWD-Chr3 m 0.313 0.0991   8 0.035 0.317 0.2, 0.5 -0.38
B6.PWD-Chr5 f 0.35 0.141   8 0.05 0.404 0.1, 0.5 -0.34
B6.PWD-Chr5 m 0.65 0.227   8 0.0802 0.349 0.5, 1.1 0.49
B6.PWD-Chr6 f 0.33 0.125   10 0.0396 0.379 0.1, 0.5 -0.41
B6.PWD-Chr6 m 0.25 0.0535   8 0.0189 0.214 0.2, 0.3 -0.54
B6.PWD-Chr9 f 0.325 0.212   8 0.075 0.653 0.2, 0.8 -0.43
B6.PWD-Chr9 m 0.275 0.104   8 0.0366 0.376 0.2, 0.5 -0.47
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 f 0.513 0.217   8 0.0766 0.423 0.3, 0.8 0.23
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 m 0.475 0.149   8 0.0526 0.313 0.3, 0.7 0.04
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 f 0.3 0.0   3 0.0 0.0 0.3, 0.3 -0.52
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 m 0.743 0.568   7 0.215 0.765 0.1, 1.5 0.73
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 f 0.567 0.187   9 0.0624 0.33 0.4, 0.9 0.42
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 m 1.01 0.203   8 0.0718 0.201 0.7, 1.3 1.42
B6.PWD-ChrY f 0.257 0.0976   7 0.0369 0.38 0.1, 0.4 -0.67
B6.PWD-ChrY m 0.163 0.0744   8 0.0263 0.458 0.1, 0.3 -0.76
B6.PWD-mt f 0.487 0.146   8 0.0515 0.299 0.3, 0.7 0.14
B6.PWD-mt m 0.638 0.316   8 0.112 0.496 0.2, 1.2 0.46
C57BL/6J f 0.317 0.0753   6 0.0307 0.238 0.2, 0.4 -0.46
C57BL/6J m 0.28 0.0837   5 0.0374 0.299 0.2, 0.4 -0.46
PWD/PhJ f 0.2 0.0866   9 0.0289 0.433 0.1, 0.3 -0.87
PWD/PhJ m 0.1 0.0   4 0.0 0.0 0.1, 0.1 -0.92

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
B6.PWD-Chr1 f 0.2125 0.1053 0.4196 0.0054
B6.PWD-Chr1 m 0.22 0.0942 0.4052 0.0348
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 f 0.4083 0.086 0.5774 0.2393
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 m 0.2667 0.1216 0.5058 0.0275
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 f 0.2889 0.0993 0.4841 0.0937
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 m 0.225 0.1053 0.4321 0.0179
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 f 1.2333 0.0993 1.4286 1.0381
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 m 0.825 0.1053 1.0321 0.6179
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 f 0.85 0.1053 1.0571 0.6429
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 m 0.675 0.1053 0.8821 0.4679
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 f 1.325 0.1053 1.5321 1.1179
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 m 1.975 0.1053 2.1821 1.7679
B6.PWD-Chr12 f 0.225 0.1053 0.4321 0.0179
B6.PWD-Chr12 m 0.2 0.1053 0.4071 0.0
B6.PWD-Chr13 f 0.25 0.1053 0.4571 0.0429
B6.PWD-Chr13 m 0.2667 0.0993 0.4619 0.0714
B6.PWD-Chr14 f 0.25 0.1053 0.4571 0.0429
B6.PWD-Chr14 m 0.2625 0.1053 0.4696 0.0554
B6.PWD-Chr15 f 0.3125 0.1053 0.5196 0.1054
B6.PWD-Chr15 m 0.25 0.1053 0.4571 0.0429
B6.PWD-Chr16 f 0.3375 0.1053 0.5446 0.1304
B6.PWD-Chr16 m 0.2375 0.1053 0.4446 0.0304
B6.PWD-Chr17 f 0.4875 0.1053 0.6946 0.2804
B6.PWD-Chr17 m 0.4625 0.1053 0.6696 0.2554
B6.PWD-Chr18 f 0.58 0.1332 0.8419 0.3181
B6.PWD-Chr18 m 0.3111 0.0993 0.5063 0.1159
B6.PWD-Chr19 f 0.3286 0.1126 0.55 0.1072
B6.PWD-Chr19 m 0.2375 0.1053 0.4446 0.0304
B6.PWD-Chr2 f 0.6556 0.0993 0.8508 0.4603
B6.PWD-Chr2 m 0.6222 0.0993 0.8175 0.427
B6.PWD-Chr3 f 0.25 0.1053 0.4571 0.0429
B6.PWD-Chr3 m 0.3125 0.1053 0.5196 0.1054
B6.PWD-Chr5 f 0.35 0.1053 0.5571 0.1429
B6.PWD-Chr5 m 0.65 0.1053 0.8571 0.4429
B6.PWD-Chr6 f 0.33 0.0942 0.5152 0.1448
B6.PWD-Chr6 m 0.25 0.1053 0.4571 0.0429
B6.PWD-Chr9 f 0.325 0.1053 0.5321 0.1179
B6.PWD-Chr9 m 0.275 0.1053 0.4821 0.0679
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 f 0.5125 0.1053 0.7196 0.3054
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 m 0.475 0.1053 0.6821 0.2679
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 f 0.3 0.172 0.6382 0.0
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 m 0.7429 0.1126 0.9642 0.5215
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 f 0.5667 0.0993 0.7619 0.3714
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 m 1.0125 0.1053 1.2196 0.8054
B6.PWD-ChrY f 0.2571 0.1126 0.4785 0.0358
B6.PWD-ChrY m 0.1625 0.1053 0.3696 0.0
B6.PWD-mt f 0.4875 0.1053 0.6946 0.2804
B6.PWD-mt m 0.6375 0.1053 0.8446 0.4304
C57BL/6J f 0.3167 0.1216 0.5558 0.0775
C57BL/6J m 0.28 0.1332 0.5419 0.0181
PWD/PhJ f 0.2 0.0993 0.3952 0.0048
PWD/PhJ m 0.1 0.1489 0.3929 0.0

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
B6.PWD-Chr1 both 0.2163 0.0706 0.3552 0.0773
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 both 0.3375 0.0745 0.4839 0.1911
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 both 0.2569 0.0724 0.3992 0.1146
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 both 1.0292 0.0724 1.1715 0.8869
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 both 0.7625 0.0745 0.9089 0.6161
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 both 1.65 0.0745 1.7964 1.5036
B6.PWD-Chr12 both 0.2125 0.0745 0.3589 0.0661
B6.PWD-Chr13 both 0.2583 0.0724 0.4006 0.116
B6.PWD-Chr14 both 0.2563 0.0745 0.4027 0.1098
B6.PWD-Chr15 both 0.2813 0.0745 0.4277 0.1348
B6.PWD-Chr16 both 0.2875 0.0745 0.4339 0.1411
B6.PWD-Chr17 both 0.475 0.0745 0.6214 0.3286
B6.PWD-Chr18 both 0.4456 0.0831 0.6089 0.2822
B6.PWD-Chr19 both 0.283 0.0771 0.4346 0.1315
B6.PWD-Chr2 both 0.6389 0.0702 0.7769 0.5008
B6.PWD-Chr3 both 0.2813 0.0745 0.4277 0.1348
B6.PWD-Chr5 both 0.5 0.0745 0.6464 0.3536
B6.PWD-Chr6 both 0.29 0.0706 0.4289 0.1511
B6.PWD-Chr9 both 0.3 0.0745 0.4464 0.1536
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 both 0.4938 0.0745 0.6402 0.3473
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 both 0.5214 0.1028 0.7235 0.3193
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 both 0.7896 0.0724 0.9319 0.6473
B6.PWD-ChrY both 0.2098 0.0771 0.3614 0.0583
B6.PWD-mt both 0.5625 0.0745 0.7089 0.4161
C57BL/6J both 0.2983 0.0902 0.4757 0.121
PWD/PhJ both 0.15 0.0895 0.326 0.0

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA