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Project measure / variable:   Seburn2   grip_strength_M18

ID, description, units MPD:24803   grip_strength_M18   grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials   [g]  at age 18mo  
Data set, strains Seburn2   inbred   30 strains     sex: both     age: 78wks
Procedure grip strength
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Seburn2 - grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials at age 18mo

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested28 strains29 strains
Mean of the strain means107   g 115   g
Median of the strain means108   g 116   g
SD of the strain means± 13.7 ± 16.9
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.127 0.146
Min–max range of strain means77.6   –   138   g 83.2   –   151   g
Mean sample size per strain7.3   mice 7.0   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 5609.6043 5609.6043 38.5497 < 0.0001
strain 26 71104.464 2734.7871 18.7937 < 0.0001
sex:strain 26 10669.8286 410.378 2.8202 < 0.0001
Residuals 337 49038.9841 145.5163

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
129S1/SvImJ f 118.0 6.68   6 2.73 0.0568 107.0, 123.0 0.78
129S1/SvImJ m 129.0 3.74   5 1.67 0.029 126.0, 135.0 0.81
A/J f 120.0 8.85   6 3.61 0.0738 109.0, 135.0 0.93
A/J m 136.0 15.4   7 5.82 0.113 109.0, 155.0 1.22
BALB/cByJ f 136.0 13.0   8 4.58 0.0956 119.0, 154.0 2.1
BALB/cByJ m 151.0 5.9   5 2.64 0.0392 144.0, 159.0 2.11
BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J f 138.0 9.24   6 3.77 0.0668 130.0, 153.0 2.25
BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J m 140.0 11.6   6 4.75 0.0832 123.0, 156.0 1.46
BUB/BnJ f 120.0 5.14   9 1.71 0.0429 112.0, 127.0 0.93
BUB/BnJ m 132.0 8.6   6 3.51 0.0654 121.0, 142.0 0.99
C3H/HeJ f 111.0 13.3   7 5.03 0.119 92.3, 129.0 0.27
C3H/HeJ m 129.0 15.1   6 6.17 0.117 108.0, 149.0 0.81
C57BL/10J f 104.0 6.78   4 3.39 0.0652 94.0, 109.0 -0.24
C57BL/10J m 105.0 11.9   8 4.21 0.113 85.0, 119.0 -0.61
C57BL/6J f 104.0 12.8   8 4.52 0.123 82.3, 120.0 -0.24
C57BL/6J m 118.0 9.97   8 3.53 0.0845 105.0, 133.0 0.16
C57BLKS/J f 103.0 10.5   12 3.02 0.102 89.7, 117.0 -0.32
C57BLKS/J m 106.0 13.3   8 4.69 0.126 93.3, 126.0 -0.56
C57BR/cdJ f 111.0 25.1   7 9.49 0.227 74.0, 135.0 0.27
C57BR/cdJ m 105.0 16.2   7 6.14 0.155 91.0, 139.0 -0.61
C57L/J f 112.0 8.3   8 2.93 0.0744 95.3, 124.0 0.34
C57L/J m 122.0 14.4   6 5.87 0.118 106.0, 142.0 0.39
CAST/EiJ f 89.3 13.4   10 4.25 0.15 72.0, 118.0 -1.32
CBA/J m 107.0 9.52   6 3.89 0.0893 98.0, 124.0 -0.5
DBA/2J m 111.0 10.6   8 3.75 0.0952 94.7, 125.0 -0.26
FVB/NJ f 88.8 5.38   6 2.2 0.0606 80.3, 94.7 -1.36
FVB/NJ m 111.0 16.2   14 4.33 0.146 88.7, 140.0 -0.26
KK/HlJ f 106.0 12.7   8 4.47 0.119 83.7, 118.0 -0.1
KK/HlJ m 103.0 20.9   7 7.89 0.204 77.3, 131.0 -0.73
LP/J f 115.0 9.11   6 3.72 0.0791 102.0, 128.0 0.56
LP/J m 134.0 5.18   8 1.83 0.0387 123.0, 140.0 1.1
MRL/MpJ f 118.0 12.6   7 4.77 0.106 96.0, 134.0 0.78
MRL/MpJ m 123.0 12.8   7 4.85 0.105 99.0, 137.0 0.45
NOD.B10Sn-H2b/J f 115.0 7.22   10 2.28 0.0628 105.0, 126.0 0.56
NOD.B10Sn-H2b/J m 121.0 10.7   9 3.58 0.0889 101.0, 133.0 0.33
NON/ShiLtJ f 88.8 20.3   8 7.17 0.228 64.3, 117.0 -1.36
NON/ShiLtJ m 125.0 9.01   8 3.19 0.072 113.0, 137.0 0.57
NZO/HlLtJ f 108.0 9.12   7 3.45 0.0844 96.0, 116.0 0.05
NZO/HlLtJ m 110.0 7.8   7 2.95 0.0709 95.7, 120.0 -0.32
NZW/LacJ f 109.0 4.27   10 1.35 0.0393 104.0, 117.0 0.12
NZW/LacJ m 117.0 3.81   8 1.35 0.0325 111.0, 121.0 0.1
P/J f 115.0 11.1   6 4.52 0.096 98.0, 129.0 0.56
P/J m 138.0 11.6   8 4.1 0.0838 122.0, 154.0 1.34
PL/J f 92.1 8.43   6 3.44 0.0915 76.3, 98.3 -1.12
PL/J m 90.6 14.7   7 5.57 0.163 62.7, 112.0 -1.47
PWD/PhJ f 77.6 7.15   7 2.7 0.0922 69.0, 91.0 -2.18
PWD/PhJ m 83.2 22.8   6 9.32 0.274 60.7, 124.0 -1.91
RIIIS/J f 103.0 12.9   7 4.89 0.125 87.0, 118.0 -0.32
RIIIS/J m 116.0 6.01   8 2.12 0.0518 107.0, 125.0 0.04
SJL/J f 100.0 15.2   6 6.2 0.152 74.7, 120.0 -0.54
SJL/J m 86.9 16.0   4 8.01 0.184 64.3, 99.7 -1.69
SM/J f 110.0 16.2   8 5.72 0.148 84.3, 134.0 0.19
SM/J m 102.0 5.43   6 2.22 0.0534 93.0, 110.0 -0.79
SWR/J f 98.3 10.6   7 4.0 0.108 77.3, 110.0 -0.66
SWR/J m 101.0 12.7   8 4.5 0.126 79.3, 123.0 -0.85
WSB/EiJ f 94.6 4.58   7 1.73 0.0484 89.3, 102.0 -0.93
WSB/EiJ m 93.1 8.45   7 3.2 0.0908 81.7, 104.0 -1.32

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ f 117.6667 4.9247 127.3537 107.9796
129S1/SvImJ m 129.0 5.3947 139.6116 118.3884
A/J f 120.0 4.9247 129.687 110.313
A/J m 135.8571 4.5594 144.8256 126.8887
BALB/cByJ f 135.625 4.2649 144.0142 127.2358
BALB/cByJ m 150.6 5.3947 161.2116 139.9884
BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J f 138.3333 4.9247 148.0204 128.6463
BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J m 140.0 4.9247 149.687 130.313
BUB/BnJ f 119.7778 4.021 127.6872 111.8683
BUB/BnJ m 131.5 4.9247 141.187 121.813
C3H/HeJ f 111.4714 4.5594 120.4399 102.503
C3H/HeJ m 129.1667 4.9247 138.8537 119.4796
C57BL/10J f 104.0 6.0315 115.8641 92.1359
C57BL/10J m 104.9125 4.2649 113.3017 96.5233
C57BL/6J f 103.7875 4.2649 112.1767 95.3983
C57BL/6J m 118.0 4.2649 126.3892 109.6108
C57BLKS/J f 102.6417 3.4823 109.4914 95.7919
C57BLKS/J m 105.6625 4.2649 114.0517 97.2733
C57BR/cdJ f 110.7571 4.5594 119.7256 101.7887
C57BR/cdJ m 104.5286 4.5594 113.497 95.5601
C57L/J f 111.5375 4.2649 119.9267 103.1483
C57L/J m 122.0 4.9247 131.687 112.313
FVB/NJ f 88.7833 4.9247 98.4704 79.0963
FVB/NJ m 111.1214 3.224 117.4631 104.7798
KK/HlJ f 106.0125 4.2649 114.4017 97.6233
KK/HlJ m 102.5714 4.5594 111.5399 93.603
LP/J f 115.1667 4.9247 124.8537 105.4796
LP/J m 133.75 4.2649 142.1392 125.3608
MRL/MpJ f 118.4286 4.5594 127.397 109.4601
MRL/MpJ m 122.7143 4.5594 131.6827 113.7458
NOD.B10Sn-H2b/J f 114.9 3.8147 122.4035 107.3965
NOD.B10Sn-H2b/J m 120.7778 4.021 128.6872 112.8683
NON/ShiLtJ f 88.825 4.2649 97.2142 80.4358
NON/ShiLtJ m 125.125 4.2649 133.5142 116.7358
NZO/HlLtJ f 108.0429 4.5594 117.0113 99.0744
NZO/HlLtJ m 110.1 4.5594 119.0684 101.1316
NZW/LacJ f 108.7 3.8147 116.2035 101.1965
NZW/LacJ m 117.375 4.2649 125.7642 108.9858
P/J f 115.3333 4.9247 125.0204 105.6463
P/J m 138.5 4.2649 146.8892 130.1108
PL/J f 92.1167 4.9247 101.8037 82.4296
PL/J m 90.6286 4.5594 99.597 81.6601
PWD/PhJ f 77.6143 4.5594 86.5827 68.6458
PWD/PhJ m 83.1833 4.9247 92.8704 73.4963
RIIIS/J f 103.3714 4.5594 112.3399 94.403
RIIIS/J m 116.125 4.2649 124.5142 107.7358
SJL/J f 100.1167 4.9247 109.8037 90.4296
SJL/J m 86.925 6.0315 98.7891 75.0609
SM/J f 109.575 4.2649 117.9642 101.1858
SM/J m 101.6667 4.9247 111.3537 91.9796
SWR/J f 98.3286 4.5594 107.297 89.3601
SWR/J m 100.95 4.2649 109.3392 92.5608
WSB/EiJ f 94.5571 4.5594 103.5256 85.5887
WSB/EiJ m 93.1 4.5594 102.0684 84.1316

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ both 123.3333 3.6523 130.5174 116.1492
A/J both 127.9286 3.3556 134.5292 121.328
BALB/cByJ both 143.1125 3.4385 149.8761 136.3489
BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J both 139.1667 3.4823 146.0164 132.3169
BUB/BnJ both 125.6389 3.1789 131.8918 119.3859
C3H/HeJ both 120.319 3.3556 126.9196 113.7184
C57BL/10J both 104.4563 3.6935 111.7215 97.191
C57BL/6J both 110.8937 3.0158 116.8258 104.9617
C57BLKS/J both 104.1521 2.753 109.5673 98.7369
C57BR/cdJ both 107.6429 3.224 113.9845 101.3012
C57L/J both 116.7687 3.2574 123.1761 110.3614
FVB/NJ both 99.9524 2.9431 105.7415 94.1633
KK/HlJ both 104.292 3.1216 110.4322 98.1517
LP/J both 124.4583 3.2574 130.8657 118.051
MRL/MpJ both 120.5714 3.224 126.9131 114.2298
NOD.B10Sn-H2b/J both 117.8389 2.7713 123.2901 112.3877
NON/ShiLtJ both 106.975 3.0158 112.9071 101.0429
NZO/HlLtJ both 109.0714 3.224 115.4131 102.7298
NZW/LacJ both 113.0375 2.861 118.6652 107.4098
P/J both 126.9167 3.2574 133.324 120.5093
PL/J both 91.3726 3.3556 97.9732 84.772
PWD/PhJ both 80.3988 3.3556 86.9994 73.7982
RIIIS/J both 109.7482 3.1216 115.8885 103.6079
SJL/J both 93.5208 3.8933 101.1791 85.8626
SM/J both 105.6208 3.2574 112.0282 99.2135
SWR/J both 99.6393 3.1216 105.7796 93.499
WSB/EiJ both 93.8286 3.224 100.1702 87.4869