Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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14 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm16451 7 22117322 to 22118245 923 - protein coding gene predicted pseudogene 16451
Gm10666 7 22133776 to 22134741 965 - protein coding gene predicted gene 10666
Vmn1r142 7 22163118 to 22164035 917 - protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 142
Vmn1r143 7 22189377 to 22190300 923 + protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 143
Gm8653 7 22200341 to 22201264 923 - protein coding gene predicted gene 8653
Gm8453 7 22228564 to 22229484 920 - protein coding gene predicted gene 8453
Gm18059 7 22253973 to 22254785 812 + pseudogene predicted gene, 18059
Gm4557 7 22256437 to 22257343 906 - pseudogene predicted gene 4557
Gm18466 7 22266363 to 22266861 498 + pseudogene predicted gene, 18466
Gm4558 7 22285469 to 22285989 520 + pseudogene predicted gene 4558
Gm46009 7 22306676 to 22327547 20871 + pseudogene predicted gene, 46009
Gm4187 7 22328794 to 22329717 923 - protein coding gene predicted gene 4187
Vmn1r-ps70 7 22352435 to 22353397 962 - pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 70
Gm8660 7 22370122 to 22371039 917 - protein coding gene predicted gene 8660