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JaxKOMP-EAP phenotype measure: spontaneous_alternations            
MPD and LIMS short name spontaneous_alternations       number_of_spontaneous_alternations
Phenotype description number of spontaneous alternations  [n]
MPD and LIMS phenotype procedure Y-maze       Y-Maze       View protocol
MPD measure ID, data type 100818     numeric data
Number of genotypes 2  genotypes completed with analytics available, both sexes
Age at testing 9wks       Early Adult Phenotyping study   EAP

Data points below are the computed genotype effect size for each KOMP genotype vs. C57BL6/NJ controls.

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Genotype Genotype Effect Genotype Effect SE Genotype Effect RankZ Adjusted p-value Unadjusted p-value

Correlate number of spontaneous alternations with JaxKOMP-EAP trait: